US Healthcare fund to buy equity.


Well-Known Member
Hello RIU members,I just wanted to share some intresting information with everyone.This article really opened my eyes & gave a little hope.Ever notice how the political puck's of dung stand on TV & scream how marijuana is so evil & even say that people should be cained if caught with it?Then behind closed door's they are calling their broker's screaming BUY!BUY!BUY! Check this link out > Bayer Healthcare is one of the oldest & solid companies in the world.Also a company that has nothing but political pull.We all know political pull = $$.(IMO)if you can afford to buy a little stock?Then this will be a goldmine.If the US Healthcare wants equity?Then it must be a money maker?Also,if you have a friend or family member with a terminal condition?Please check out Hope this gives everyone some hope & shows how these political liars operate? Happy Farming :weed: