USA grower needs KUSH seeds, who do i buy from

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That 5hit

Well-Known Member
GL have heard alot of different reviews about the master kush...i have that too
i really hope that this is what i am looking for
i was hopeing on buying some seed and then making my own seeds so that i woulden have to buy seeds again
i heard a lot of good things about kush its the biggest thing here in chicago so thats all we smoke it goes for 5-6 hun. an oz right now i am keeping a male bagseed alive so that i can also mate them for seeds bagseed x masterkush wonder what that'll be like ( just to have to types of seeds ) they say kush is 5X stronger then bagseed. i do feel the dif. i hope thats this is the shit that i have been smoking here

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
GL have heard alot of different reviews about the master kush...i have that too
hay how does the package look , i just ordered seed from them and i want to know what to look out for , i didnt use my real name so i want to grab it before someone else does (does someone have to sign for it ) does it say nirvana on it, is it in an envellope, what type brown??? need to know what to look for how long did it take to get to you

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
hay how does the package look , i just ordered seed from them and i want to know what to look out for , i didnt use my real name so i want to grab it before someone else does (does someone have to sign for it ) does it say nirvana on it, is it in an envellope, what type brown??? need to know what to look for how long did it take to get to you
Ill PM you and let you know..people might get mad on here if you say how a company shipped it secretly..

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
Read my post, I put

Should I have made it clickable for you, this is not a full service site, dont be lazy.
well .. you dont have to, just would have made it ez'er. but i did find it so... its cool
some people till you about things and provide a link, while others till you things and say go find it. both ways works


Well-Known Member
That Shit - its States Evidence. Before you try to make uneducated judgements of my personal character you should first make sure you know what the fuck your talking about. I ordered seeds recently and used my real name. Big deal. I'm not commiting armed robbery. Just don't send them to your grow. Common sense. But that seems to escape you bc you can't even handle links in posts nor google.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
That Shit - its States Evidence. Before you try to make uneducated judgements of my personal character you should first make sure you know what the fuck your talking about. I ordered seeds recently and used my real name. Big deal. I'm not commiting armed robbery. Just don't send them to your grow. Common sense. But that seems to escape you bc you can't even handle links in posts nor google.
your 100% right, i cant spell and my grammer is the worst, i read at an 8 grade level,,,,, at best. and i spell at maybe a 5th grade level, and my math is way off, and im bad with punctuation. but i can roll a killer blunt, and fuck like a beast. and once i get this grow thing down, ill be un stopable

but you,.. youll still be a rat, the worst thing to any human being on the planet educated or not
see... i can go back to school (im not going to) i can learn all the shit i missed,,,,, but you, you my friend will alway be a snitch

you probly told on somebody today (perfect avatar)


Well-Known Member
Never snitched, never will and what I knew when I was young and dumb and fucking with shit and people that ran the scene in my town will go to the grave with me. But you don't know me and never will. Peace chump.
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