useing alot of power? this will help the bill!!


Well-Known Member
I don't pay electricity were I live, nor do I pay for any other utilities. I pay one flat rate for rent and they take care of the rest. I'm just trying to be the warning for those who are not in a situation similar to mine.


Well-Known Member
the device works under the principle that it collects and stores energy from spikes and uses it later making your bill lower. in order for this function with a net gain for you (making back your original investment) ud have to have spikes all the time, and idk where u live, but that doesnt happen. also, the site says it needs to be replaced every 5 years. also is only works on one circuit (if you hardwire it). my house has atleast 12 circuits. 12*150=1800 every 5 years. the device would have to save you more than 360 dollars a year or 30$ a month. the 150$ one can at MOST only save me (based on my 6cent kwh 22 dollars, so i would ultimately losing money on this investment. not mention i would need to have 375kwh worth of spikes of a month, and i dont see that happening any time soon.


Well-Known Member
The idea that this device works like a capacitor that can save you 15-40% on your electric bill is completely ludicrous.

If you really wanted to save money on your electric bills you would either invest in solar paneling or, if conditions allow, a wind turbine. There are a few homes in a town near by that utilize wind power to power there homes and they actually turn a profit on it because any power they do not use they can actually sell back to the electric companies.


Active Member
the device works under the principle that it collects and stores energy from spikes and uses it later making your bill lower. in order for this function with a net gain for you (making back your original investment) ud have to have spikes all the time, and idk where u live, but that doesnt happen. also, the site says it needs to be replaced every 5 years. also is only works on one circuit (if you hardwire it). my house has atleast 12 circuits. 12*150=1800 every 5 years. the device would have to save you more than 360 dollars a year or 30$ a month. the 150$ one can at MOST only save me (based on my 6cent kwh 22 dollars, so i would ultimately losing money on this investment. not mention i would need to have 375kwh worth of spikes of a month, and i dont see that happening any time soon.
you personally monitor your electricity usage to see if it has any spikes or a million in a nanosecond. Point is, it is not PROVEN to work or PROVEN not to work all im saying is that i think the op has a point and i would trust his assessment, and i think everyone else could make that judgement individually for themselves, without the need for most people to start telling everyone else what SUGGESTION not to use lol like the op said this is kinda making me laugh too, but thats definetly because im stoned (yes thats my excuse for laughterpidity lol) :joint:


Well-Known Member
There are always 2 sides to a coin. Both should be represented fairly and equally. No sense in throwing your money away on a product that does not work.


Well-Known Member
i think it might be good to test out if ur lights flicker alot but i dont know how many pawer surges i personaly get but i have a freind that his light flicker alot and he gets powers surges alot it might be good for some one like that but you could probly make one if you looked around but i dont know some one needs to try it in a controlled experiment


Well-Known Member
the device works under the principle that it collects and stores energy from spikes and uses it later making your bill lower. in order for this function with a net gain for you (making back your original investment) ud have to have spikes all the time, and idk where u live, but that doesnt happen. also, the site says it needs to be replaced every 5 years. also is only works on one circuit (if you hardwire it). my house has atleast 12 circuits. 12*150=1800 every 5 years. the device would have to save you more than 360 dollars a year or 30$ a month. the 150$ one can at MOST only save me (based on my 6cent kwh 22 dollars, so i would ultimately losing money on this investment. not mention i would need to have 375kwh worth of spikes of a month, and i dont see that happening any time soon.
Lol! I love my math whiz stoners around here. I normally leave my bit of dogged determination to politics and proving liberals wrong, but that formula above is first rate! Two thumbs way up.

Also, let's not forget that most people growing are probably renting, and the likelihood they're going to invest in something like that is pretty minimal.

Snyder, good job in warning people about this. IF the thing's for real and it works, great. All I know is, it certainly didn't help the OP's case having such a horrible grasp on proper English, not posting a link, or even a fair evalution- lol.

Oh, and greengiant, bad BP. Hahaha


Well-Known Member
the only sure way i know to save money on electricity, without wind mills or solar panels all over your house/property, is to steal it with a "jumper" inside your meter box... you get charged by how much electricity goes through your meter... once its through your meter your charged for it... IF this plug and save thing does as like a "collector" of electricity from spikes, as was said, unless you have a shit load of electrical spikes in your area, then it really wont help... but i only pay 4 cents KwHr so it doesnt matter to me.. my bill is less than the $150 model typically anyways so its not for me.. maybe someone out there.. but not me...

going back to this jumper thing... have you heard of them or know what they are?? a little lesson if you dont... i learned of them from a good friend of mine, damn near a brother, who is an electrician.. he shows me this small metal thing that was prolly 1/2 inch wide, 1/8 inch thick, and each end of it was bent upwards... it goes in your meter.. one spot hits connects before the electricity passes the actual part that reads the electricity and the other part connects right after wards.. this creates a path for electricity to "jump" around the part that reads the actual usage... actual 50% of your electricity will jump around it... so your meter is only readin half of what its actually using... pretty cool right?? only a couple problems with them... first problem is they are hard to find.. its not something i would try to put together in the garage, so you basically have to find one black market style.. i would check EBAY or google... im sure you can find one that way... second part is you have to break into your meter box to install it... where im live we still have meter readers because the town is small enough they can pay someone to do it... id imagine in a bigger city or in the country these would be ideal... the meters in those kinda places get read by a computer not a person... reason i say this is because if the meter reader or elec company sees a broken "tab" on the meter, opens it up and sees a jumper, well my friend your fucked... not much else to say there... your stealing power for one, then they'll want to know why, which can lead to a much larger problem... anyways... if you do use one of these, and i do know a few growers with a 50 miles radius of me that do with great results, make sure you are safe to use it... make sure your electric company has no reason to go check your meter or your property... but as i said its a sure way to save at least 50% on electricity... they last forever... are removable if you find out your meter is gonna get looked at (youll have to figure out what your excuse is for the seal being broke on your box"... and are pretty cheap...


Well-Known Member
Never, ever, EVER steal power. That is a sure fire way to end up being Big Bubba's boyfriend in federal, fuck me in the ass, prison.


Well-Known Member
I knew some one who owned a ranch and he had cows so the meter reader would have to tell him befor they came so he could open the gate and he would use jumper cables and take they off when the meter guy came he had a butch of electric tools he used insead of gas


Well-Known Member
yea if u can run a show like that, go for it, but my meter is easily accessible w or w/o my knowledge.