using a filter in a spliff


Well-Known Member
hi guys i have some friends that use a cigarette filter in there spliffs, and they say they still get high, on the other hand i have other friends say they do not get as high, as when they use a normal roach.

i have tried it and it seems more smoother i do get high but i dont know if i am as high cos i dont get that hit i wonder if its psychological i was wondering if anyone can help

also can thc pass through the filter, i think it should do, does anyone know the science behind it


Well-Known Member
you are definately losing things you want when using a cigarette filter,,it reduces the amount of SMOKE ,TAR,and particles you are inhaling,,why anyone would want to reduce what you are inhaling from a joint is just defeating the purpose,,it's not psychological,,it's a filter reducing your intake,,


Well-Known Member
yeah it filters a lot of thc, but still gets you high. My puss bro always uses filters in his spliffs and gets high.

it is more enjoyable, but you do lose a lot of thc.


Well-Known Member
If your trying to smoke healthy get a vape. Not only does it remove most of the tar and smoke since your not really smoking the material your vaporizing it. Takes less to get high so its like a long term investment in the long run. I guess this one is like the best on the market for the money and a lifetime warranty on some of its parts so cant beat that either.
oh common! a 170 dollar whip vape!?

that's pathetic, get a herbalaire for 250 and you'll like it 50x more. plus it can be a whip or a bag vape!

but regardless, this is about smoking, trying to get someone to switch to a whp vape because they wanted to use a filter in their joints is kinda senseless eh?


Active Member
only in a blunt, and I just use a strip of the zag pack and roll it into a cylender, helps you take mondo hits :)


Well-Known Member
nice one guys, thats what i thought, i just wanted to see what others thought, and i have got a buddah vape which is quite good, i like it because its direct feed, stopped using it now i was getting me super wasted, but sometimes a bit long smoking through a tube and also most of the time you just want to sit back and hit a joint thanks for the info