Using air cooled hood to regulate temperature?



I 1 1000w hps and 1 400w hps on air cooled mavrick sun 6" and the 400 watt is in the 6" sun tube. The question is can I quit running air through them til my room heats up to like 72 degrees and then have a thermostat turn them on? Or will the bulb get to hot if thats possible?? any input helps!


Well-Known Member
absolutely. That is what I do. The trick is to figure out when to turn the fans on as rooms tend to get slowly warmer and warmer as the day goes on.

A simple thermostat switch will turn them on but you would really get the same effect by just putting them on a timer.

One word of advice, get rid of that cool tube "reflector" those things have the worst performance of any horizontal reflector..EVER. nevermind if your using it vertically :)


Thanks! Glad to hear that you do the same thing! Yeah I'm not impressed with the sun tube I just got it for really cheap with a bulb.