Using Fruit Extracts. Spiralina or Coconut Water for Nutrients? or Any Others?


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone... I have done a lot of searching around but haven't been to lucky in finding the answers I'm looking for. I was wondering about adding a few products to my organic tea's that I am feeding my babies.... anyone have any input on these items...

Naked "green machine" fruit smoothy...( all natural ingredients, also has a lot of green foods in the mix...including blue green algae, spiralina, kiwi, apples, banana)...

Spirallina pills (1000mg crushed)

Green coconut water- lots of sugars and potassium, low salts (for bloom?)

Has anyone used similar juices or additives to their organic feedings?

I have read about some of the items that are in the Naked Green machine being used separately for fertalizer's but as a whole I wasn't sure.

I did add 3 capfuls...approx 20ml of Naked Green Machine to my last feeding as well as 1x 1000mg spiralina pill ground up and the plants did seem to like the feeding, (no negative reactions or weird growths)

Anyone else used any crazy juices or additives with positive effects or have any more scientific evidence for or against using these things...

After a few hours on the internet, I did find some very interesting information regarding coconut water (milk) and using it with growing. It seems to have a lot of growth hormone type effects associated with larger and thicker stems, more bud sites and possibly can induce a quicker bloom...

Now these studies I am posting were not specific to cannabis plants but I am even more curious than ever before. I have yet to check the ppm and ph of coconut water because I have to re calibrate my PH meter but will as soon as tomm when the hydrostore opens.


I also did find some other interesting facts about using spiralina as well...It seems to have many macro and micronutrients that plants could use...

Spirulina FAQ's


Active Member
interesting. i would like to know as well. i have access to unlimited amounts of fresh coco's. i love the water myself. i wonder how the babies would like it?