using ladybugs for spider mites,would also like to spray,help please!

I currently accepted 12 clones from a fellow grower.6 Northern Lights and 6 mystery drains.I just recently noticed 3 and a half weeks ago my plants were very unhealthy and I noticed a bunch of spider mite eggs.I treated with organocide, waited 5 days then treated with organacide again then waited three days and did a rubbing alcohol wash followed by an instant rinse in my shower.while the plants were in the shower I disinfected and rubbing alcoholed and organocided the entire room and everything I use in the room I have not seen single mite or egg and my plants have been thriving for about a week and a half now I just switched them into flowering and introduced 300 ladybugs into the room 300.200 of them died. Last time I had a mite problem about 3 years ago it was much later in my grow and I was about 3 weeks away from harvest,I introduced the ladybugs and they resolve the entire my problem and even stuck around fur about three weeks afterwards. I would have went the same way this time except I had to wait two weeks for the ladybugs to arrive and also never experienced a problem this early.I am currently waiting for 300 more ladybugs because 200 of the first one died I would like to know if I should continue treating with organocide while the ladybugs are inhabitaing the room.does anybody know any other treatments I can use that will not harm the ladybug. or if organocide is fine.So far I have been successful because it has been two and a half to 3 weeks and I have not seen any more damage or a single egg or Mites any help or recommendations would be highly appreciated.
actually they are working on the problem right now the mass ladybug death was the first night in my grow room something other than lack of food killed them and I'm thinking it might have been the organocide since that's the only thing besides plants water and soil in my grow room.I do have to circulating fans for air circulationbut I don't think then being on low caused the mass ladybug deaths.My humidity is very low my room temps are about 75 to 82 during lights on and about 63 to70 when lights are off.I actually screwed up I think and didn't really give them much in the way of drinking or moisture when I first got them forgetting that it had been a day or two since watering the plants so I think they died from dehydration there's still a good hundred or two in there though doing their job. just wanted to give them a little assistance without harming them.I was going to use more of the organocide but I decided against it due to the fact that damage from the spider mites is at a minimum and not getting any worse and organocide stinks something fierce like fish and I don't want my end product stinking like fish ass, Ive read a lot of other posts with many other people saying the same thing that you have to stop organocide 4 to 6 weeks before harvest because that's the length of the window that the nasty smelltakes to go ruined a few other peoples whole crops because they said their whole crop smelled like a barrel full of dead fish after using organocide during the 4 weeks before harvest.

