Using marijuana drying and curing technique to smoke chewing tobbacco?

i waste way more $ on ciggs than i do on herbs.. The gov. Is being a prick with cigg taxes. On a super market i found really dry chewing tobbacco and i am attempting to dry it for 6 days in my grow tent than i am going to cure it for a week or 2 and hope it will hit a bit smoother and not so harsh. Do u think it will work? I know itz off topic but no were can i find information and im too broke to buy ciggs at 7$ a pack.

Johnney Herbz

Active Member
Dude the answer to your problem is at the beginning of your post..

"i waste way more $ on ciggs than i do on herbs" Quit smoking cigs. Buy more herbs. The world keeps turning.. bongsmilie


Active Member
Why don't you just get yourself a cigarette stuffer, buy the huge bag of Bugler, and some pre-filtered tubes, and make you own smokes?


Active Member
dude smoking chew sounds nasty and scary. i quit smoking cigs after smoking for about 12 years 2 years ago and i switched to chew. i chew about 1 can of grizzly a week, i actually like grizzly more than cope or skoal or any of the expensive shit and you can get it for about $3 to $4 a can depending on where you go and it lasts alot longer than cigs. so i say switch to chew or buy rollies and roll your own. i actually love smoking rollies, when i used to smoke, for about the last 3 years i smoked rollies by choice. i would either buy a "can" of top or bugler for like $15 and it lasted quite awhile, i smoked about a pack a day.
dude smoking chew sounds nasty and scary. i quit smoking cigs after smoking for about 12 years 2 years ago and i switched to chew. i chew about 1 can of grizzly a week, i actually like grizzly more than cope or skoal or any of the expensive shit and you can get it for about $3 to $4 a can depending on where you go and it lasts alot longer than cigs. so i say switch to chew or buy rollies and roll your own. i actually love smoking rollies, when i used to smoke, for about the last 3 years i smoked rollies by choice. i would either buy a "can" of top or bugler for like $15 and it lasted quite awhile, i smoked about a pack a day.
a can of buglers at wallgreen is 43$ plus tax here so 50$ total!! For 6 oz


Well-Known Member
quit the nasty bastards, you won't find a new wealth of money in your pocket but it makes being broke a lot easier.


Well-Known Member
try one of the ecigarettes....up front there not cheap but $15 of liquid would last me 3 months, and it helped me to quit, and at least in my opinion its healthier

Dinosaur Bone

Active Member
You've got the wrong Tobacco. Chewing tobacco is basically Cigar Tobacco that wasnt good enough to roll "dog rackets" with. Cigar Tobacco is absorbed through the mouth, wheher puffed or chewed. Its already been cured, the curing process is basically a polite way of saying composted. {Same goes for dark Tea} Apparently people pay more if the word cure is used.... kinda like calling rusted ass metal "patina". Copenhagen is often called "worm dirt"... you dont even want to know how true that is.

What you want is a Burly, or maybe a Virginia Tobacco. Now THAT type is cured with methods recognized by weed pharmers... mostly hanging in a dark place to dry.

Scroll down the seed list to Nicotiana Tabacum... $2 fiddy for about 2,000 seeds .. small seeds that fit in between your fingerprints. You can legally grow 1/10th of an acre.

For Blunt Wrappers "Jumbo Stalk Black Mammoth" is a good one. Wrapper is shade grown. giant 3ft long leaves. An excellent decoy plant to distract aphids and whatnot... the plant executes all bugs that sample it.