Vaporizors - Anyone used one?


Well-Known Member
Hey I have been a die hard bong user (anyone remeber the Tokemasters - TMs?) for years and came across these new (to me anyway) vaopraizors on the market now: .

I would be curious to hear about anyone's expereince with one. Are they smoother, better, get you higher? I know most tokers smoke too so the health part probably doesn't matter, but I don't so it is an interesting alternative to save your lungs. Thoughts? bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I have just bought a vaporizer called the inavap for 100.00. The vapor is very smooth. I never cough at all. It will get you ripped with the right bud.


Well-Known Member
yha they work really good and they leave all the bad shit left un bernt you get fucked up my freind


Well-Known Member
surlely do we have a volcano vap. best smoking equiptment ever bought. far healthier cause of no smoke, super high stone, higher than a bong i would say, extreamly efficent and easy to use and clean and stuff. better aromatics from the weed. the bag is a bit anoying feels a bit like your croming but all round fucking awsome.

i reccommend you get one they are pricely but well worth it.


Well-Known Member
Great comments! They are a bit pricey but havn't heard anything bad about them yet so may just invest in one. They sound like they will extend your bud a bit too which is a bonus.

Is the extra cost worth it? I have seen them ranging from about $50 to over $150 and can't see why one would be better than another, except for cordless or electronincs. I guess that is the thing these days though, form over function. So is it worth the extra $$ for the extras?bongsmilie :leaf:


Well-Known Member
I tried a cheap version. I didn't have the ability to control the heat and that was a big mistake.

My volcano was a big investment. But considering how much further it makes my weed go I figure it will pay for itself in a year. Not to mention I don't cough anymore. The house doesn't stink like pot either.


Well-Known Member
i have a pretty nice one. i never even turn it on. it makes all the weed tastes the same. it is a little different high. better in some ways. but i prefer the thick smoke of a good bong rip. may as well just eat it.


Active Member
used one at a coffee house in amsterdam.... Do not remember anything about it.... So, I guess thats a good thing? I just did a search here on these to see if anyone else had an opinion... yep, just might get one~


Well-Known Member
hahah fdd might as well eat it hahaha.
do you use yours everyday mogie? or when ever you smoke?


Well-Known Member
Hey and thanks for all the feedback. Now I guess my question is if they are so good, in most opinions, why arn't they more popular? Cost I suppose would be a good reason but over the long run it sounds like they would actually save $$$. I also saw, in addition to the temperature adjustment, an adjustment for "time" on some of them. What is that about?


Well-Known Member
Back in the day we used to vapourise our shit when we had no money, then sell the weed to some stupid russians..

It works a treat.

But that's not what you asked.

If you're that bothered about the damage to your lungs, eat it. :D


Active Member
I actually got to smoke from a vaporizor a couple of days for the first time, and I can safely say that it would be one of the best investments for smoking. You actually get the flavor and not the taste of ash. All-around its just cleaner and more efficient. If you got the money its a great buy.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Shwiggy and others for the input. I was looking at the Volcano and don't really like the whole vapor in a bag setup they use. Seems like allot of extra hardware when you really want the fruits of your labor in you lungs. Some of the handhelds look nice: anyone have a prefrence on those?bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Hey Shwiggy, what was the high like compard to a bong of joint? More cerebral, intense, body stone, or what? Have you tried the same shit both ways?bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Has any ever use Bushmaster Fert. Its supposed to stop vertical growth and to increase girth. I have a small room with a fixed light so my plants can't get
to tall or they will burn from the light.


Active Member
The vaps are better for you as they heat the THC enough to release it, but the leaves don't burn so all the tar, etc, is not inhaled.

I had a little BC vap at first, but you had to sit in front of it until it smoked and then inhale on the spot or the smoke/THC was gone. I found that really inconvenient and missed a lot of smoke as I was running around while it was heating and ended up at the wrong place at the right time.

Then I got the Volcano. The bag is actually a plus in my opinion because you can carry it with you when you have to do things plus if you have company, you can casually pass it around, no rush. The smoke stays in and good for some time, so if you're in the middle of something and can't "just stop and smoke it all at once" you can still have a bag full. The pot goes lots further as you can reburn, although each bag is weaker.

Volcano recommends grinding the pot but I've found if I throw in a tinsy bud, the first burn is strong, then I crush the bud with the end of my cleaning toothbrush so the second is fairly strong too. The third burn is just so I don't waste and isn't worth much. That can also be dependent upon how much you put in, a tinsy bud or up to the fill line, min 1/16 in to max 1/2 in. I also use med grade pot as I'm a light weight. With stronger pot it carries a stronger hit, like you're not sure you should be driving anywhere and you can't, lol.

The high seems to last a bit longer and is more gentle for me, but it doesn't have that immediate rush feel you get smoking, which I still want on occasion. Friends who have tried it love it too.

It's been a great investment for me and my body loves it too as no more crud gums up my lungs. I recommend it highly and if you have a chance to try it out first, you may find you like the bag style after all.


Active Member
Hi, it's been a while since I've logged in. I wanted to let you know just out of curiosity I tried burning a bit of my male before I tossed him. Even though males aren't supposed to get you high, my Volcano bag actually showed some THC accumulation. The high wasn't great, but if you were ever out of good stuff, it would get you a tinsy buzz. Tried vaping some stems too as I've never smoked them cuz they're just supposed to give you headaches, but with female stems the THC is actually released and it works, not as well as bud, but it does work. Just wanted to check it out as I wanted to know too. FYI