VEG STAGE, LIGHTS: 18/6 ok. whatabout 20/4???

gr33n thumb

Well-Known Member
I have a 1000w MH vegging my little cloned ladies. Currently on 24 hours light.

Question: what is the difference in growth and quality between 18/6 and 24 hours. Would 20/4 be better than 18/6? or is 24 just the best way to go.


:peace: and happy growing.


Well-Known Member
I didn't tell anybody this - because i feared the backlash of opinions, but when i started, they were on 24/0. They weren't growing that fast, so i switched to 18/6, they grew a little better. THEN i switched to 20/4 (what i thought was my own invention) and they grew faster. So in my experimental opinion, the plants need some time to sleep and grow and recover - 4 hours seems to be a good amount of time, maybe they only need 2 but i haven't tried that yet.

PS - i also only water them after they wake up - when they are cool and relaxed - they seem to respond well to this too ;D


Well-Known Member
Ive seen better growth with 18/6 than with 24/0. I believe in a rest for them now too. Plus my power bill gets a break.:)

gr33n thumb

Well-Known Member
Thanks. My reason is my vortex fan, and 1000w hps is in the room i sleep in. Its noisy and bright since its in our closet and not in a tent. I'll be switching to a tent to block the light, but the fans are loud. I wanted to set it to turn off at 10' o clock and then turn back on a 2am I figured we'd allready be asleep and wouldnt notice it turning back on. If with your twos experience that a little rest does them good, well hell, sounds good. I'll try 20/4...Also im in hydro so I never water them...hehe.

Thanks for the input, its much appreciated.

:peace: and happy growing.


I am using 20/4 right now my girl loves it. Though wish i was more confident in using hydroponics seems easier.