Veg to long, wrong strain, little knowledge = jungle!!!


well shag cant remember my woman saw them on net and thought she was doing the right thing 20ww 20him gold and 20ssh, been a balls up but hey i will get something of them one way or other. they look right big good colour been treated like i want to ride them, but very fluffy buds, have ppics on indoor grow under VEG TO LONG WRONG STRAIN LITTLE KNOWLEDGE = JUNGLE! have a look shag let me know what you think.


thought it was,,, how you keeping mate?
ha ha it is Dicki here but i dont think the one you know, unless hes a unlucky first time grower to, but then you never know, well any way nice to meet you, and any help or even if you just want to laugh at my grow, get in touch. take care


Well-Known Member
ha ha it is Dicki here but i dont think the one you know, unless hes a unlucky first time grower to, but then you never know, well any way nice to meet you, and any help or even if you just want to laugh at my grow, get in touch. take care
thought you said you grew that k2 if it was you that was nice...