Vegging and cloning set-ups

Clint Torres

New Member
I have a pretty nice set up for going from seed to bud but would like to start cloning. My flower space is 4' x 2' in a bathroom w/ a 400 watt HID (running on 'boost' at 440 watts). I have a second space with a 4' x 1' T5 fixture w/ 4 bulbs running at 220 watts and 22,000 lumens. I usually just use this space for seedlings and clones when I can get them to take.

Can I use this space for mother plants and vegging my clones before flowering or is another light needed? I only need like 6-8 clones at a time so I was thinking of just having smaller mother plants in 1 to 1.5 gallon pots.

I usually only have 10-12 plants at any one time that are in the growing cycle. I would just like to have like 3-6 really good strains to clone.:peace:

Also, my HID in my flower room only gets up to 4 - 4.5 feet high. I shouldn't let my plants get more than 2.5 - 3 feet right?