Vegging plant showing signs of sex. Help me determine. Pics


Hi, This plant is very thick and bushy. However, I'm getting worried about it's sex.

It has been in VEGETATION 20/4 for 5 weeks since SEED (took a couple days to germinate).

It seems like it is showing preflowers that look like bunches of sacs. They look like male preflowers.

I'm not sure what to do. The other plant has a preflower that looks like a pistol. If I can determine this is a male, I'm looking at two options. Induce flowering to be sure or just kill it now. It is a VERY nice plant overall especially compared to the one other growing along side.

However, I don't want to make a mistake because this plant is gorgeous.

Also, is there any chance that the preflowers could be active (produce pollen) even though it has never been 12/12?

Your help and advice is appreciated.



what do u mean it hasnt been in 12 12 it showed the sex didnt it is it outdoors
That's why it is weird. My plants are indoors 400watt hgl and 2 48 watt flourecents. Always at least 20/4. I never went 12/12. THis thing is so much more mature than the others. During my research it seems that plants can show sex during vegitation after enough weeks.


What strain of plant is it? If it is an autoflower variety, 20/4 lighting is what many suggest to actually use to flower... Male without a doubt...

There are other threads about turning males into some kind of hash (don't have any experience in it myself, have read it though), might want to look into that if you don't want to waste your plant. Keep in mind that if you keep it, you run the risk of ruining the rest of your female crop...

Brick Top

New Member
If you veg long enough plants will develop pre-flowers and show their sex before you throw them into 12/12. Some pro-growers and breeders say it is best to veg until you see pre-flowers, that it makes for a healthier more vigorous growing plant.
One problem with that is many growers do not have the height needed to veg their plants that long and then have them double to triple in height during flower. Others may have the required height but they do not have enough light penetration and end up with the top half or third of the plant(s) producing well and then the lower portion producing little to nothing so for them vegging until they see pre-flowers almost totally only adds length to the overall growing time, from seedlings to harvest, because what little extra production they get is not worth the extra time it takes in vegging to get pre-flowers and is seen as better used in vegging the next crop.


What strain of plant is it? If it is an autoflower variety, 20/4 lighting is what many suggest to actually use to flower... Male without a doubt...

There are other threads about turning males into some kind of hash (don't have any experience in it myself, have read it though), might want to look into that if you don't want to waste your plant. Keep in mind that if you keep it, you run the risk of ruining the rest of your female crop...

It's just bag seed. I don't know the genetics. Ok a newbie question. Is there a difference that would make 20/4 more likely to flower than 18/6?

I wanted to give my plants a break during the day because the room gets not. However, I didn't want to go all the way down to 18.


Active Member
It's just bag seed. I don't know the genetics. Ok a newbie question. Is there a difference that would make 20/4 more likely to flower than 18/6?

I wanted to give my plants a break during the day because the room gets not. However, I didn't want to go all the way down to 18.

no you would be no closer to flower than 18\6 you would have to get down between 12 - 13 .


Active Member
If you veg long enough plants will develop pre-flowers and show their sex before you throw them into 12/12. Some pro-growers and breeders say it is best to veg until you see pre-flowers, that it makes for a healthier more vigorous growing plant.

Bricktop, this puzzles me a bit. I understand that plants will show preflower if vegged long enough, how is it then that I can take a female plant full flower term, take virtually every bud off it except for two bottom branches, bring it back to vegg stage, regrow/sprout then clone it and it have no preflower? Why??

Also, when I sex out seedlings, the females usually all return to veg state with-out any further signs of sex. Why?



Well-Known Member
That's why it is weird. My plants are indoors 400watt hgl and 2 48 watt flourecents. Always at least 20/4. I never went 12/12. THis thing is so much more mature than the others. During my research it seems that plants can show sex during vegitation after enough weeks.
seasmoke said it , pre flowers will form once ur plant is a certain age/size (if u veg long enough or u can switch to 12/12 to force and see sex