Ventallation Problems and Questions


Well-Known Member
My grow closet is 2 1/2' deep by 5 3/4' wide and tall. It has sliding doors and I live in an apartment so no holes. No ventilation other than windows and a fireplace (fireplace is in another room, don't want to vent that far).

So, since my doors have to be open 24/7 for ventilation ducts and fans, what is the best way to do this. They are just 2 doors on rollers. I can take them down but would rather not. I need to keep this room cool enough so that I can keep the door to the room the closets in shut so prying eyes and odors don't become a problem. It spikes WAY too hot when I keep the door closed.

Please answer with detail and don't just say a one sentence comment. I understand the fact that I need an intake and exhaust, but I'm wondering what is the best way since I will have to keep my doors open and have to vent out of a window. Also, how is the best way to vent out of a window without people bieng able to tell. Please elaborate.

Edit: By the way, Pictures of my grow room are in my signature.


Active Member
Is there a light fixture in the room? If so, you can (carefully, with the power off) take the light fixture out, and there should be a clear path to the attic. You can vent that way. If there is any type of A/C duct you can vent into the A/C system (as long as it's isolated from neighboring apartments and you take some measures to reduce smell). Just some suggestions.


Active Member
Also, if there is no light fixture and you're on the top floor, just bust a little hole in the ceiling and vent through there. They are easy to fix, or you could do it in the corner of the closet ceiling and just tape paper over it when you move out.