Ventilation for vegging


Active Member
newbie lookin for some advise on fans! thinking about starting but wanna have everything together before i set off on this venture of self discovery! i've been wondering if a ventilation fan is needed when starting a grow or is it more needed when flowering? been thinking about it and don't mind parting wit the cash as long as its doing something benefitial! so far every thing is ok wit temp! but would putting a normal fan in do the same job? im aware of humidity control and keeping it as steady as possible but this isn't a professional job just don't wanna waste my time and money on crap that produces crap!


Well-Known Member
You need ventilation for many resons:

A) Plant strength, you need a good breeze to make the stem stronger.
B) Keep the smell out: you need an ouput to keep the odor down.
C) Keep Temp regulated: A Fan can make the difference from a 95F degree room to a 75F degree room.

Lots of benefits