ventilation question


Active Member
i plan on a very small growbox in which to grow one or two plants. everything has been arranged, appart from ventilation. what is the cheapest and most simple means of ventilation. my growbox will be max of 18" and im using lst method so my one or two plants will still fit in this small area. im going from seedlig to flowering 12/12. would i get by with holes in the back of my box and a computer fan at each side ? if not, what is the cheapest and most simple way ?


Well-Known Member
Hehe, we need to know what kind of lighting/heat you are trying to cool :-)

If CFL's, you should be fine with a couple 4-5" passive intakes and a couple 70+ cfm computer fans exhausting. If you have HPS, you may need cool tube and inline fans.

Peace - OGH


Well-Known Member
Hi SmokeTwoJoints, I just built myself a little grow area using PVC and black/white poly tarp with a lot of duct tape. It measures ~3'4" x 3'4" x 3'4" and I have a 250 watt MH inside it right now. The ambient temperature of the room the grow box is in is ~70 F. I have one 105 cfm fan pulling air out the top of the grow room and this keeps the temp inside between 80-85 with a humidity of 40-55%. I think one computer fan and a couple passive intakes like old gray hair suggested would be more than enough to keep your plants comfortable in that small space with half a dozen cfls.