

Well-Known Member
alright well, i thought i start a thread on vert growing ect, it seems like everyone who uses them needs alot of venting does it make it worth it? like 2000w then another 1-2 for venting?

vert is the best growing out there i can agree with that , how much better tho, im a soil guy

well i was wondering if people could post designs on how to make them, sites, ect , omega's vert's, octagon , iv seen a few others to stadiums and anything else that is growing on shelfs or something, thanks for reading ill be looking on the site all day today for fun :). how much $ u think 50-100? water culture?,hydro,aero? binz anything i wanna learn and try to check rez's :).
as well, i have a rubber maid bin, i wanted to start some tomato's but hydroponic style, buy a pump,a cheap ph tester,rockwell, food, already got seeds , if anyone knows of some cheap hydro builds throw them at me as well


Well-Known Member
1-2 for venting? Exhaust fans dont take up to much. You just need one nice sized one. You need exhaust for a normal grow too so i dont see the difference, the cost is the same as horizontal you just make the most out of your room and light


Well-Known Member
I would research the BoG.

Barrel of Green was around a while ago, it was a dirt grow with plants around a vert. HPS light. Sorry I would give you pictures and links but they all seem to be dead.