Very slow growth


Well-Known Member
Well it look like there asking for food because lower leaves are turning yellow and sone are drying up, I think imma going to feed them a low dose??? Wat u guys think?
I'll post a pic tmr there not looking so good.
Lower leaves drying up turning brown and lower fan leaves are yellowing


Well-Known Member
Ok so I been doing some research and I'm worried now there are many ppl out who have used grow tents and there saying there saying that the PVC ones are toxic, well guess what I have one that's pvc, can that be the proplem? This is the one I have$$-48X-24-X-80-GROW-TENT-HYDROPONICS-CABINET-BOX-$$_W0QQitemZ130352200099QQcmdZViewItemQQimsxZ20091214?IMSfp=TL091214218001r4660#ht_5001wt_722

seller clearly stated there non toxic. What do you guys think?


Well-Known Member
I think they'd be off the market by now, if they were toxic to plants. I'm not a PVC expert, and there may be types that are toxic, so that's all i have to say 'bout that. :lol:


Well-Known Member
I really appreciated all the info on here guys.
I still don't know for sure what the proplem is I really hope is not the tent. I read that the symptoms are leaves whitening mines are just yellowing.