Veterans...Get the hell in here now!


Well-Known Member
Wanna talk about fights, have you ever been in the Windjammer in Gitmo?

Cram an ass load of Marines, Navy & CG in a large auditorium type bar - add alcohol and shake well.

Every damn night when I was there.
Kind of reminds me of that scene in Apocolyse Now, where they roll up on a party deep in the jungle, with girls behing choppered in.

Skeet Kuhn Dough

Well-Known Member
Do any of you Navy vets remember hitting Bahrain on deployment? Good lord, after months at sea the last port I want to see is another port in a fairly conservative (by western standards) country. Sure, you could get fucked up in "The Sandbox" but we all wanted Australia and Thailand type shit. Instead it was always Dubai or Bahrain (we were doing something called sea swap, so we rarely left the NAG). I've been to Bahrain at least three times, maybe four or five (it's been awhile). Great people, great culture, just went there too many times. Best port I ever visited? Freemantle, Australia. Right outside of Perth. Fucking amazing. Loved the Aussies, great folks. Next favorite was Victoria, Canada, located outside of Vancouver. I guess my third favorite might have been Costa Rica (can't remember the name of the port).


Well-Known Member
Do any of you Navy vets remember hitting Bahrain on deployment? Good lord, after months at sea the last port I want to see is another port in a fairly conservative (by western standards) country. Sure, you could get fucked up in "The Sandbox" but we all wanted Australia and Thailand type shit. Instead it was always Dubai or Bahrain (we were doing something called sea swap, so we rarely left the NAG). I've been to Bahrain at least three times, maybe four or five (it's been awhile). Great people, great culture, just went there too many times. Best port I ever visited? Freemantle, Australia. Right outside of Perth. Fucking amazing. Loved the Aussies, great folks. Next favorite was Victoria, Canada, located outside of Vancouver. I guess my third favorite might have been Costa Rica (can't remember the name of the port).
I know why you can't remember the name of the port.


Global Moderator
Staff member
We were in Victoria and were hosted by a Canadian frigate.
I was in the CPO mess & those fuckers had all the beer you wanted to drink.
"The meanest fighting force between 10:00 and 14:00"
(Cause before 10:00 they were hung over and after 14:00 they were drunk again)
And boy howdy can those bastards drink !!

Skeet Kuhn Dough

Well-Known Member
And in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico I made out with one of the finest women if not the finest I've ever had the luck to kiss <3 She was an absolute stunner. Too bad I didn't get any luckier but that's the way the cookie crumbles I suppose. I'm jealous of anyone who got to visit Thailand while they served. When choosing orders, Thailand was one of the reasons I chose the west coast. Unfortunately, we never visited and the world wasn't my oyster :'(


Global Moderator
Staff member
And in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico I made out with one of the finest women if not the finest I've ever had the luck to kiss <3 She was an absolute stunner(
Out of basic I did fairly well - was #4 in the class & our orders were on a big black-board, one looked exotic & our DI said he thought it was Japan so I jumped on it.

Turns out I spent 12 months (Isolated Duty) with 17 other guys in the Aleutian Islands.
Fucker is probably still chuckling.


Well-Known Member
Just being a dumb ass gwn, me I mean.
You know after I posted that, I thought maybe that's not funny. Esp to the real combat vets here.

Real , meaning more then a 6 month tour for desert storm like myself, I wasn't infantry , so I should just shut the fcuk up.

Sorry if I offended any vet here.


Well-Known Member
I new a dude that got up at the crack of dawn and unloaded a few magazines of ammo into his backyard woods. I guess it helps.

maybe that was a movie. shit I'm getting old. nah it's just brain damage


Global Moderator
Staff member
Just being a dumb ass gwn, me I mean.
You know after I posted that, I thought maybe that's not funny. Esp to the real combat vets here.
Real , meaning more then a 6 month tour for desert storm like myself, I wasn't infantry , so I should just shut the fcuk up.
Sorry if I offended any vet here.
Being CG I didn't see combat (Thank God) but I did see enough 1st responder shit to fill many-a-bucket.

Mine did (knock on wood). My nightmare started about ten years after I got out. I would dream that I had reenlisted. Doesn't sound like much until you had such dreams.
Oddly enough I've had those dreams over the years myself - it always seems to end with me wondering why nobody is mentioning my pony tail. :wink:

Cause I ain't cutting it off.


Well-Known Member
Being CG I didn't see combat (Thank God) but I did see enough 1st responder shit to fill many-a-bucket.

Oddly enough I've had those dreams over the years myself - it always seems to end with me wondering why nobody is mentioning my pony tail. :wink:

Cause I ain't cutting it off.
I'll never shave again! least they gave us a break out in the field, but as soon as we got back on post..... I had a green Lieutenant give me some sh*t about my facial hair after we returned from the field & I just stared at him with distain & pointed to my web gear, that I still had on & he took my name & stormed off to see my Sgt Major....I never saw the Lt You don't f*ck with a Combat Sgt Major!
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