

I got 15 vicodin pills when I got my wisdom teeth out. I had 1.5 and they just make me sick. If i were to get rid of them whats the going rate per pill?

it says "hydroco/apap7.5-750 tab wats"
substituted for vicodin ES 7.5-750 tab abbo"


Well-Known Member
They fetch about a buck each around here. There's just too much acetaminophen in Vicodin. It's absolute hell on your liver.


5 bux for norco there 10/325. oxycodone is better


Well-Known Member
I am sure you can find somebody to buy them for at least 4-5 a pill despite the amount of acetaminophen. I believe there are ways to separate the two but I am not sure how well it works.


Well-Known Member
I am sure you can find somebody to buy them for at least 4-5 a pill despite the amount of acetaminophen. I believe there are ways to separate the two but I am not sure how well it works.
It's called cold water extraction and only junkies bother


Well-Known Member
The acetaminophen doesn't seem like that big of a deal... unless people are taking a lot of them. How many pills do people take at a time?
Maybe I'm being naive in my lightweightedness... I only like to take one or two. I don't really like the feeling if I take much of it.


New Member
four grams of Tylenol is FDA approved as very, very bad indeed.

750mg x 5 pills = 3.75 grams

7.5mg x 5 pills = 375 mg hydrocodone ain't shit for a headache.



Well-Known Member
in the uk we dont have all them pain pills the docs here are shite, buy threw the joys off the net ive tried them all vicodin is very expensiv online but nothing compared to Oxys, i loved the oxys lol


those oxy 30's have zero tylenal in them and go for the dub and up!!!! people snort them or bang them like heron