Virgin grower- Atomic jam - any help welcome

so first off heres the set, up I've got a nice closet 2 1/2' deep and about 6' across i separated it into two chambers one 2' the other is 6' high and lined everything with white reflective plastic. i'm currently running one 2' sun blaster florescent but will probably be adding a second. so far thats all I've really got going on besides a heating pad under the tray but i intend to use one 400w in the top chamber. oh also i used rockwool cubes and some GO bio weed and GH floraliscious plus and will be adding GO bio root in the nest week or so.

so my babies have been growing for one weed today, innitialy was just spraying them but i noticed they were drying out waaaay too fast so I've started dipping the bottom of the rockwools into my solution and that seems to be working. i have 10 in total; 3 are sprouting right up but the middle ones' (in pic) first leafs don't want to come down and one looks really brown.... 2 others sprouted up before any other but due to the bad watering for the first couple days they are having trouble now... the last 5 all have roots but haven't really pushed anything above the surface... anyways i'll keep posting as they grow up any advice or help is more than welcome thanks
