Volcano Help Please


Hey all,

Next week I'll be picking up a Volcano and I'm torn between the options here. I am most concerned about durability and longevity of life and as a result am sitting here wondering whether or not that digital screen will pass the test of time. Has anyone out there owned their digit for 5+ years??

I really like the digital and am not concerned with the added cost, but if I'm told the classic is going to outlast it, well that'll be a game changer...

Thx for any and all input


Active Member
Much like anything, if you look after it, it should last you but being electronic it does have a limited lifespan.
Personally I would choose the digital one.


Thx for the response. I really want to know just how limited its lifespan would be. I can't imagine it being that bad, I've had the same digital alarm clock for twenty years!


Well-Known Member
Like all electronics ... There is no sure way to tell how long it will last. If you take care of it I would say quite a while meaning more than 5 years. It would depend on the quality of the manufacturing. For whatever this is worth, I am an Electrical Engineer.


Well-Known Member
I bought a pax vaporizer. I did not buy the volcano only because of its size.


Input obliged. I think I'll go for a digital, I'd still like to hear from some owners though!

I hope someone who got their digi in 07 chimes in and is all like "yeah it's like new, my screen is the shit, it's brighter than ever, and I'd definitely recommend the digit over the classic!"


Well-Known Member
There's no real difference between regular and digital other than the digital is probably a few degrees more accurate. I know a few people that have had both for years. Have you thought about a Plenty? It's a handheld vaporizer made by Volcano. Myself right now uses a Vapir NO2, mainly because it was on the cheaper end and portable. Not the best vape I've used but does the trick.


Well-Known Member
Get the digital if you like it more. I wouldn't imagine it to last any less time due to having an LCD screen... maybe the LCD may get a little funky and gunky as opposed to a simple knob - but, I don't really see that happening either. I've had my classic for 4 years now; and it's mint bro. Get whatever one you want, if you buy online there are sick deals that include a sweet case, and at least 30ft of bags (will last 1-2 years), and a shitty grinder. So much awesomeness. Uhhhhh - also, I assume you LIKE the high of the volcano. It's obviously MUCH different than toking. Ahhh, but to be high and healthy!


Well-Known Member
owned my nondig volcano for 8 yrs.... sent it in for repairs cost $100...Bought the digital model 6 years ago still kicking

Differences dig has a auto shut off after 15 min of non use

If you have any issues within the first 3 yrs its under warranty....Send it to Cali for repairs


I have heard of the Plenty - no doubt Storz n' Bic have done it again

Grabbing my digi on Sunday from a local retailer, thx for solidifying my decision with your knowledge and experience people


Active Member
there is a reason the digital has a 3yr warranty vs 5yr on analog. go with the original i have had mine for over 5yrs and have forgotten to shut it off many times as well as using it daily. buddy had digital and likes it but it seems cheaper.


Well now I own a Digit, pretty stoked

For all you fellow digit owners, do you leave it plugged in between sessions? I notice that after you turn it off the display continues to read out the current temp as she cools, then finally turns off entirely only to leave a green dot on the screen. Is it hibernating!? It must still be on to show any light at all


Well-Known Member
The heater warms up to set temp then kicks off thus the light. Wait for it to be at set temp before using.

Don't leave a bowl on it or the heat rising will cook it.

Sucky part of a volcano is cleaning it's bowl parts. I sold mine as I never used it after initial cool factor dissipated. Couldn't get stoned off it, was always chasing...