Waiting to water


Well-Known Member
is it ok if i wait till the dirt at the bottom of the pot is dry? like if i stick my finger in the drain holes and the dirt is moist, should i wait till that drys out?

or is it better to water when i stick my finger a little in the top soil and its dry?

(i know i gotta finger my plants to know when their wet. haha)


Well-Known Member
lol you use your finger to feel the top inches of soil. You want the bottom of the soiil to remain wet.

Goodluck mate <3


Well-Known Member

i guess cause i have gnats i am thinkin i should let the bottom dry out. i bought some spray but im almost out and they came back. i need to get some sand from the park and put it on the top soil.


Well-Known Member
be careful about what you add yo your soil. If you need to something on top of soil so sun doesnt dry it out, then just pick up some top soil, and use that. Or you can use mulch or something.

Sand from the park sounds a bit scetchy = (

Goodluck mate<3