Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?


Well-Known Member
and here is my princess. Last time I posted you said "5-7 days". That was 1 week ago. What do you think now? notice the new growth on the tip of the cola in the last picture. The plant looks mostly mature, but the tip of the cola seems to be getting "new" plant growth. It looks good, but immature compared to the rest of the plant. I dont want to wait for that to ripen and have the rest of the plant over ripen. Any idea why it would do that, and what I should do about it?
that's new growth but that plant looks beat up pretty bad. not sure what i'd do at this point.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
that's new growth but that plant looks beat up pretty bad. not sure what i'd do at this point.
i was just gonna harvest it when the old growth was ready and not wait for the new growth. if the new growth ends up being smokable - cool. if not ill put it into the brownies with the leaf trimmings. what do you think about the rest of the bud? does it look ready? why would new growth start like 10 weeks in?


Well-Known Member
i was just gonna harvest it when the old growth was ready and not wait for the new growth. if the new growth ends up being smokable - cool. if not ill put it into the brownies with the leaf trimmings. what do you think about the rest of the bud? does it look ready? why would new growth start like 10 weeks in?
sometimes that new stuff just keeps popping out. the rest of it looked pretty close.


hi im just wondering, some of the buds seem to have like the white hais popping with little red shoots coming out of them, other more main buds dont seem to have this yet though, i am 3w into headn n just wondering if its normal? Alson how much more mass will the buds gain in the next 3w (as its a 6w strain) they are basically just alot of hair at the moment reasonably compact but not alot mass to them, supportin pics be up soon.cheers


Active Member
IMG_0186.jpg Romulan, only pic I took it probably won't help
IMG_0189.jpg Blackberry Kush
IMG_0185.jpg Jilly Bean
IMG_0184.jpg Same Jilly bean
IMG_0188.jpg Lavender
IMG_0187.jpg Same Lavender

Thanks man I appreciate it.