Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?


Well-Known Member
To: flyingdogg and jeff(the revegged part doesnt apply to you.)- Some sativas can go on and on re generating new growth, fdd calls them the never ending sativa i believe. But the norm range for a sativas is about 10-12 weeks. So you could probably just go until whenever you feel that it is RIPE! Also sativas in asia have a considerably longer flowering period, around 14- 16 weeks, As stated by chb. And some sativa's can take longer indoor due to lighting restrictions. But you may just have "the never ending bush" It almost looks like it was revegged
Mine was revegged. Here's a couple pics from today. IMG_0941.jpgIMG_0936.jpgIMG_0932.jpgIMG_0933.jpg

Does revegging slow it down or decrease yield?


Well-Known Member
What's up everybody! Does this lady look ready? All of her hairs have turned color, but the trichomes are still clear. What do the experts think??!!
looks to have a nice amber tinge in the first pics, could u get a clean shot of the top bud?


Well-Known Member
Fun thread, have learned alot! These are at 45 days of flowering, balcony grow from seed, strain unknown? I think purple indica of some type? If anyone knows? Have had an ongoing prob with budworms, but i think I am within 1-2wks. Spotted a few more amber trichomes today but mostly clear and cloudy. Have started to flush but I may be premature? Anyone that can help is welcome thanks in advance. bongsmilie
In the last pic the pistils are receded, so i would say more like a week. You are on track.:clap:
Hoping someone could tell me how close I am to harvest with these. I starting to show some yellowing on fan leaves but I've been hitting em hard with the nutes.
bad lighting to analyze the plants maturity and are those scatter strained?:bigjoint: Some look to have 10-14 days but the pics in the clearer light look more like 14-20


Well-Known Member
the 4th pic definitely looks done, the other pics look like 3-7 days, i would say you can chop now if you want, there is also the option of a partial harvest.


Well-Known Member
the 4th pic definitely looks done, the other pics look like 3-7 days, i would say you can chop now if you want, there is also the option of a partial harvest.
thanks man appreciate that...heres one more if you dont mind, actually i have 2 more but ill just post my hawaiian skunk. i was having doubt that this thing has passed its harvest, so sorry if i am posting a lot of pics



Well-Known Member
thanks man appreciate that...heres one more if you dont mind, actually i have 2 more but ill just post my hawaiian skunk. i was having doubt that this thing has passed its harvest, so sorry if i am posting a lot of pics
its all good. The last three pics of course look younger, the first pics are looking like a week and a half max. have you been watering with only water, if so for how long, and how long has she been flowering?

Thanks Sacredherb, I appreciate your input. Will keep checking trichomes, picking worms, and flushing, until then.
i will be doing the same.


Here are some more pics. The seed was thai spice and this is a little one bud plant. She is in week 12 of flowering. About a month ago she stalled on me for about a week because she ran out of room in the pot. I transplanted and she took off again. Not very much resign, first time growing so i am sure I had something to do with that. Also do you know why the top of the plant is tilted like that? She did that on her own, and i always rotate my plants.



Well-Known Member
here is the green crack monster :) any ideas sorry the pics are not so great i was using my i phone:leaf: she is around 6foot 8.
sativas are "in their prime" when most of the trichomes are milky/opaque. It has that sorta tinge to it. Have you started watering with only pure water?

Here are some more pics. The seed was thai spice and this is a little one bud plant. She is in week 12 of flowering. About a month ago she stalled on me for about a week because she ran out of room in the pot. I transplanted and she took off again. Not very much resign, first time growing so i am sure I had something to do with that. Also do you know why the top of the plant is tilted like that? She did that on her own, and i always rotate my plants.
no i dont know why that happened. and i would chop her in the next few days, if you have been watering with only pure water for the past 4-6 days if its hydro.
i used botanicare pure blend 1-4-5. 5 days ago which was the last of the nutes. now im only using fresh water to flush :) this thing smells ridiculous ...i just love it at night when the breeze come's threw the bedroom window sweet sweet dreams. ive been dreaming in green.


Well-Known Member
Those look ready to me maybe a few more days of flush, Just thought I would throw my opinion out there because I was dropping in to look at some bud :)
haven't started flush yet..... I'm thinkin another week than flush for 2... It's only around 10% amber