Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

12 weeks? i'd chop it.
I've heard 2 more weeks from some people. It's just hard to say. I'd say about 50percent of the pistils have receded in the colas, but the trichs still haven't mushroomed out. They're still "smaller" if that makes sense. I'll take some more pics today. Thanks fdd


Well-Known Member
I don't understand how someone can ask if their plant is done when there is white hairs growing out of it.
i had some cases where my plants are growing new white hairs...even if it has a lot of red hairs. id like to know the answer on this one as well


Well-Known Member
View attachment 1253238

Top Colas 12 weeks and 2 days

View attachment 1253239

Lower branching

A lot of people are saying 2 more weeks? Should I harvest now? or wait it out? Thanks again guys, like I said...I've never grown a sativa dominant plant, at least...this pure.


They still have a few more weeks to go. A lot of new growth (normal for a Sativa; even at harvest), and calyxes still haven't swollen. My pure indicas (Soma A+) are on their 13th week of flowering so don't worry ;)

But DAMN looks like them spider mites got your girls bad :(
They still have a few more weeks to go. A lot of new growth (normal for a Sativa; even at harvest), and calyxes still haven't swollen. My pure indicas (Soma A+) are on their 13th week of flowering so don't worry ;)

But DAMN looks like them spider mites got your girls bad :(
yeah man, they're little bastards...I've been through so much shit lately...moved grow spots 3x due to fucking douche-bag relatives...it sucks, man. I just need to get my own place. appreciate the feedback, though.