Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?


Active Member
9 weeks old and they have had 6 weeks 12/12. I shall wait :wall:
Yeah 6 weeks wouldn't be long enough. Probably more like 5 weeks flowering. So you gotta ways to go. Not sure on your particular strain but regardless, I'd let it go at least 8 weeks and see how it looks.


Well-Known Member
9 weeks old and they have had 6 weeks 12/12. I shall wait :wall:
From the time you switch the light to 12/12 give em 2 weeks to show signs of sex then another 6-7 weeks minimum for them to fill out.
I would let them go another week then flush them for another week. The wait will be worth it in the end.
The bud will fill in and bulk up a bit more and the smoke will be better. Patience young grasshopper! You'll be glad!!

Okay here are my pics
I am a super noob so I dont know a ton. This is my first grow and all the plants were given to me.
Unfortunately I dont even know what they are
I know very sad

These babies have had a rough life including spider mites, fungus gnats, temp problems, and PM.
I had 6 and I am down to the last 3
The short one with the most pics I think is right there and the two tall ones in the back I think are about 2 weeks but I am unsure

Sorry about the pics, my hands shake really bad from my illness and muscle spazes (hence the need for MMJ)

Any info, comments and suggestions are all very much appreciated. My feelings cannot be hurt so fire away
and thank-you in advance for your help

This website has been a great help to me and helped my save these last 3 plants !!



first two and the last one are from the good plant, the other two are from a scrawny bitch, i think their read to go but lookin for some guidance. i think the small one is overdone


So what if your plant started showing sex at the start of the flowering period and then stretched. and while it stretched it budded. is that shitty?


Active Member

Well, its been 40 days since the switch to 12/12 and they haven't complained once, after a long laundry list of problems during veg, its down to the final stretch.
... I do have a few worries though... (There are 3 different plants in the pics, 2 different strains, each was from a different bag of mids so i'm not entirely sure what strains they are.)

My worries are this.... the one with the whitest hairs has been budding the longest, and has the biggest buds (3 long >12" colas, along with many 3-4" tops scattered around, and popcorn buds under the bulk of the foliage), but it has the least amount of trichs. The other 1 (of the same bag), is covered in trichs, but has much smaller buds, granted, they vegged for different lenghts of time (about a week difference), and one stretched a lot more than the other b/c I had to play with the light so much. Should I expect the frostier one to gain more volume, or the fatter/shorter one to get more trichs? The one with the most orange hairs (and obviously frostier) is the youngest of all the pics/plants. She would have been the mother if I had enough room for one. She's resisted all the torture i've dished out, and hasn't complained about anything, no nute burn, underwater, pests, nothing. Others have gone through hell and pulled though (oldest one vegged for 8 weeks, youngest for 4, the short/fat one vegged for 7 weeks).

Hope you don't mind, it was easier to upload the album to Imgur and share this accross the forums, than uploading it once for each forum.
Running with Micro Bloom Grow from AN, Hammerhead 9/18, and B-52. 600w MH for veg, HPS for flowering, in 5gal pots atm. Any tips/criticisms? (The frostiest one is 4.5ft tall, short bushy/fat one is just under 3'). All were LST'd except for the youngest one (which is why she's so tall, aside from all the unnecessary stretching).

Thanks in adv.


Well-Known Member
Maybe you can help me. I have three strains, all done in seventy days. All done in soil. I have a growbox with a 250hps, everything has worked great until I made another box with a six hundred hps. The girls had about twenty days to go in the 250 but I figured since the six hundred was built I would finish them off in there and fatten them up. Only it seems to have put them back in veg. Im on day eighty-four and still dont really have any amber trichs. I've dryed some and my friends love it but I dont think its at its full potential. So my question is, Will they ever get more amber or am I just wasting my time waiting? Sorry I dont have pics but looking through a jewelers loop I can see there all cloudy, just very few amber if any. Sorry I forgot also to ask, does a plant " peak "? Meaning am I going downhill on quality after it peaks? Thanks for any replys


Well-Known Member
How far would you say this one is buggered up the whole grow been in way way too long was my first grow
nothing special just some good seeds i kept out of some nice bags. had a faulty timer a week ago they got 36hours of light....
will take some pictures of the plants in the room if needed



Well-Known Member
Ha, Yeah. I saw the thread name. That's why I "didn't say it". I knew you were here to ask, so I figured you didn't know, right? IMO 3 weeks to be good, but some phenos, of strains seem to never want to finish up.

My cousin had some Kali Mist that he let go for 16 weeks, and it never finished.


Well-Known Member
wow well yea that guy is more advanced then some other i have and they have been in longer there a sativa strain and a strain i wont mess with again was just bag seeds

Some of them look spastic i will upload some pictures


wholeplant26.jpgSecond Ever Grow. Northern Lights. 180 total watts cfl. Just over six weeks since buds appeared. Some yellowing and wilting of shade leaves, is that okay at this point? I think it's only a week or so from harvest. Even though I have yet to see any amber trichomes. Top cola has new growth out the sides, that bothers me, should it? What do you rockstars think on this one??topppcola26.jpg1cola26.jpgundernug26.jpgcola26.jpg