want to start growing/selling want info


im new to growing just wanting some facts and suggestions

i want to start a grow op for the purpose of personal use and hopefully making a little money if possible.

ive got a room in a basement thats 10ft x 10ft i dont have a lot of money what would it take to start?

would i be able to do it and keep under the radar( power wise and such?

once started what would a rough approximation be for profit?

what techniques should i look in to?

ive got friends that i know that say they could hook me up with clones if thats the best way to start
any recommendations are wanted
im currently unemployed (hopefully not for much longer) so i got time to start and time for research



Well-Known Member
I'm into my setup for about $600.00 and yeild about a qp a grow. I've got rid of up to half to help pay for and get new stuff for my next grow. And out of stash long before the next is grow ir ready. IMO you'll never make a proffit off a small grow and if you go bigger. You could spend a butt load of money.


Active Member
well if your looking into using all of the space or a good majority of it i would suggest a 1000 watt high pressure sodium light. they can get kinda pricy new 250-350 but you can find them on ebay and craigslist fairly easily. i found mine on craigslist for 120 bucks. As far as power consumption goes it depends on what your paying per kilowatt hour which you can find on your electricity bill (theres formula on here that you can use once you figure this out that will let you know exactly how much it'l go up) but you can bet on around 50 bucks more per month if its on for 12 and 12 and more if its on for longer. Clones are a good way to start being as their gonna be female and some techniques i would look into would be topping and low stress trainning (LST). Just do a simple search on this website n you'll find everything you need to know about techniques, soil, fertilizers ect. Just do lots of research n you'll have a good harvest.

Hope this helps. Happy Growing :blsmoke: