Wanted to try out our growing skills.


So I have posted else where on the forum and really didn't receive that great of advice, or support. So, I'm deciding on a grow journal.

The seed was planted in the beginning of July. We have 4 CFL bulbs at 7250lumens each about 2 inches away from the leaves. Its a ventilated box with a small rotary fan, and tinfoil walls. It has regular tomato soil and atm is about a 5 gallon pot. Water it about three times a day.

The plant looks really good and is growing at a decent rate. The only thing I'm concerned about is the bottom leaves are turning yellow, and are very droopy. The leaves are dry to the touch. I'm not quite sure why the plant might be doing that? The grow box is in a square room, with no furniture in it (looking to start something of the room, if we learn from our mistakes this time) and has an open AC vent that I had covered with a piece of cardboard.

I'm looking to start a nice aerogarden set up with a rubermade reservoir. and purchase four, four foot flourecents and hold 4-5 plants at a time.

I dont know what seed this is, a couple were given to me by someone and this one lasted. So we thought we should try our luck XD

Well, I hope you enjoy the pictures and any feeback is highly appriciated. Thanks.



Active Member
back off on the water!!! water once every 3-4 days if that...use your finger and poke it into the soil if its still wet when you get to the second knuckle then your fine anything after that water it...thats why your getting yellowing...your drowning it! dont worry i did it too till my temps were int he 90's in my grow then it was once a day


Well-Known Member
So I have posted else where on the forum and really didn't receive that great of advice, or support. So, I'm deciding on a grow journal.

The seed was planted in the beginning of July. We have 4 CFL bulbs at 7250lumens each about 2 inches away from the leaves. Its a ventilated box with a small rotary fan, and tinfoil walls. It has regular tomato soil and atm is about a 5 gallon pot. Water it about three times a day.

The plant looks really good and is growing at a decent rate. The only thing I'm concerned about is the bottom leaves are turning yellow, and are very droopy. The leaves are dry to the touch. I'm not quite sure why the plant might be doing that? The grow box is in a square room, with no furniture in it (looking to start something of the room, if we learn from our mistakes this time) and has an open AC vent that I had covered with a piece of cardboard.

I'm looking to start a nice aerogarden set up with a rubermade reservoir. and purchase four, four foot flourecents and hold 4-5 plants at a time.

I dont know what seed this is, a couple were given to me by someone and this one lasted. So we thought we should try our luck XD

Well, I hope you enjoy the pictures and any feeback is highly appriciated. Thanks.
Please don't waste your time with the aerogarden ... its the biggest piece of shit known to the growing community. Just get some soil dude ... try crawling before walking ... and you should obviously do a little reading on the cultivation of cannabis. Not flaming ... just an honest opinion..

you are going to use (4) 4 ft. floro's on ONE aerogarden? lol


Active Member
yo dude i got two 4ft flouros on my grow(4ft t12 40w) dont do it just spend a lil more scratch and get some CFL's(the screwed light bulbs) you can get them from home depot at a damn good price and have so many more luments then the fucking bullshit shop flouros....or hit up 1000bulbs.com and buy a few of there 100w CFL's and you will be set sir for sure! the shop lights im using made my shit stretch prety bad so i dont sugjest using them and they dont give off alot of light either