Wasilla hillbillies looting Neiman Marcus from coast to coast


Well-Known Member
Remember how they told us that the GOP just dropped off those expensive clothes and she was horrified when she found out how much they cost and returned them all?

Surprise, surprise.

NEWSWEEK has also learned that Palin's shopping spree at high-end department stores was more extensive than previously reported. While publicly supporting Palin, McCain's top advisers privately fumed at what they regarded as her outrageous profligacy. One senior aide said that Nicolle Wallace had told Palin to buy three suits for the convention and hire a stylist. But instead, the vice presidential nominee began buying for herself and her family—clothes and accessories from top stores such as Saks Fifth Avenue and Neiman Marcus. According to two knowledgeable sources, a vast majority of the clothes were bought by a wealthy donor, who was shocked when he got the bill. Palin also used low-level staffers to buy some of the clothes on their credit cards. The McCain campaign found out last week when the aides sought reimbursement. One aide estimated that she spent "tens of thousands" more than the reported $150,000, and that $20,000 to $40,000 went to buy clothes for her husband. Some articles of clothing have apparently been lost. An angry aide characterized the shopping spree as "Wasilla hillbillies looting Neiman Marcus from coast to coast," and said the truth will eventually come out when the Republican Party audits its books.​

Oh yeah, and she doesn't know which countries are in NAFTA and she thinks Africa is a country.


Can you believe people actually voted for her and the guy who picked her out? :roll:


Well-Known Member
ha ha ha lol she doesn't know Africa was not a country. Am I suprised? No...........modern conservatives believe ignorance is a virtue. Just look at my sig and see these clowns....................oh wait is this liberal media picking on poor sara again


Well-Known Member
Palin is Ronald Reagan in a dress?

Dude, I'm no fan of the Gipper, but that's just low.

She's Bush in lipstick: ignorant, parochial, and intellectually incurious.

She's also hilarious and I'll be very sorry to see her go. I'm hoping she's going to run for Ted Steven's seat after he's expelled from the senate.


Well-Known Member
Keith Olbermann made the point the other night that it was a member of the McCain campaign who characterized Gov. Palin and her family as "hillbillies."

As if any further proof were needed of which is really the party of out-of-touch elitist snobs.

For two or three months every four years, the Republicans will pretend to be the working man's friend, only to kick them in the teeth once they've been elected. Unfortunately, it seems as if the people are getting wise to this particular trick. Even the combined efforts of Governor "Hockey Mom" and regular guy Joe the Plumber were not enough swing the election for them this time.


New Member
I'm not surprised, she was just looking to pilfer public funds with this campaign.

Now she's pissed because she's caught and is saying they are "unfair attacks". Can we get some jail time over here, she can use the Martha Stewart cell.


New Member
I find it quite amusing how a lovely woman like Sarah Palin can drive the uber-left completly crazy. What a laugh. :lol:

You guys have the media, the presdency, the senate and the congress. Is that not enough for you to stop your snide attacks and swarmy attitudes? Is modern liberalism based only on hate? <Sheesh!> You all should take a look at yourselves from the outside in. You're a freakin' joke.



Well-Known Member
I find it quite amusing how a lovely woman like Sarah Palin can drive the uber-left completly crazy. What a laugh. :lol:

You guys have the media, the presdency, the senate and the congress. Is that not enough for you to stop your snide attacks and swarmy attitudes? Is modern liberalism based only on hate? <Sheesh!> You all should take a look at yourselves from the outside in. You're a freakin' joke.


You're a moron. Once again a politician is robbing the people of America, and you think it's funny.


New Member
You're a moron. Once again a politician is robbing the people of America, and you think it's funny.
Well, gee whiz, thanks for the lovely compliment dolt.

Now, would you kindly explain what politician in your mind is robbing the people of America? Politicians robbing the people, what a concept. :lol:



Well-Known Member
I'm sort of curious why anyone who is not a Republican even cares about this story. A wealthy donor paid for most of it and the RNC covered the rest.

Since we're meddling in party business:
(New York) Post Correspondent

July 24, 2006 -- WASHINGTON - Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's campaign army has increased its ranks to 50 staffers and more than 20 consultants, specialists in everything from fund-raising to speech-writing to hairstyling and makeup.

Clinton, the likely 2008 Democratic White House front-runner, ponied up nearly $3,000 in campaign cash for her blond tresses to get some presidential pampering from acclaimed D.C. stylist Isabelle Goetz.

Recently released federal fund-raising records show Clinton shelled out $1,500 in April for Goetz to carefully craft her coiffure and another $1,000 for a camera-ready clip in May.

She passed off both styling sessions as "media production" expenses.

Clinton was so desperate for Goetz to style her gilded mane, she picked up the scissor siren's $405 travel tab in April and a $38 expenses tab in May.

Goetz, a fixture at the swank Cristophe salon and the favored stylist of John Kerry, has been clipping the former first lady's locks for years - she's credited for updating Clinton's coif from country to chic. To complement the touch-up of her tresses, Clinton invested another $3,000 for makeup maestro Barbara Lacy to brush on some blush.

Lacy is a Tinseltown pro who applied the makeup to actors' mugs in movies including "Minority Report," "Runaway Bride," "National Treasure" and "In the Line of Fire."

She can also take credit for working the West Wing - the NBC version. Clinton paid Lacy an eye-popping $1,600 for some eye-lining in mid-May and another mind-boggling $1,300 for some makeup two weeks later.

Again, Clinton justified the makeovers as a media production expense.
Hillary Clinton's $1500 Haircuts, Expensed to the Campaign ---------->>> - Democratic Underground

As long as were are focusing former candidates. Let's not forget John Edwards. The Breck Girl had a love child and paid off the mistress with campaign funds ostensibly 'hiring' her to shoot videos.

‘National Enquirer’ Still Chasing John Edwards–Affair Story; Claim to Have Caught Him in Hotel Tryst -- Daily Intel -- New York News Blog -- New York Magazine
The Enquirer has reported that Edwards or his allies have made monthly payments to Hunter, supporting her first in North Carolina and now in California.
John Edwards: The Picture of a Scandal by Byron York on National Review Online


New Member
How many haircuts did she get? 2 ? That certainly isn't in the same league as Palin's 30K hairstylist.

How about they all, men included, go to JC Penny and get the $25 haircut like the rest of us? Oh Yeah, and they can pay for it our of their own paycheck, there's a novel idea.


New Member
How many haircuts did she get? 2 ? That certainly isn't in the same league as Palin's 30K hairstylist.

How about they all, men included, go to JC Penny and get the $25 haircut like the rest of us? Oh Yeah, and they can pay for it our of their own paycheck, there's a novel idea.
You spend 25 bucks on a lousy haircut? A friend of mine cuts my hair for free. Well, maybe a cup of coffee and a bong hit or two. :lol:


Doctor Pot

Well-Known Member
My God! Hillary Clinton spent way less than Sarah Palin did on stuff two years ago! The horror!

I never really liked John Edwards or Hillary Clinton anyway. I campaigned during the primary for Obama precisely for this reason. I don't think I would have voted for either of them if they'd gotten the nomination.


New Member
I don't know anyone who cuts hair and my hair is curly so I can't just let anyone do it. Now if I needed carpet, or a roof, or carpentry done I'm hooked up.

You spend 25 bucks on a lousy haircut? A friend of mine cuts my hair for free. Well, maybe a cup of coffee and a bong hit or two. :lol:
