Water bulbs?


Active Member
I saw one of those stupid infomericals once about these glass bulbs with a long stem that you fill with water and then it auto waters the plant based on oxygen or whatever.

So I am have a hard time learning watering patterns for my girls. I wanted to know if anyone knew how I could make a poor mans version of that product so I never screw up watering my girls.

Soil grow btw. lol. Any help gets reps.


Well-Known Member
They could work but hand watering is better I think because you need to decide whether they need it or not, could you set up drippers on timers?


Active Member
I need to get a spray bottle, that might help. As I water now, I think I just give them too much. I try giving them just a little, but it still seems like too much. ugh.


Active Member
well you gotta think the bigger they are the more they want the smaller the less they need its al based on your pot size also i feed mine every 2 days and their looking good just got my spray bottle just water them check on them stick your finger in the soil if its dry about an inch down water them


Well-Known Member
place a bucket higher than your pots, fill bucket with water or nutrient solution, run fish tank tubbing to your plant, and crimp the tubing to get the desired drip rate.