water during dark??


Well-Known Member
doyou water during the dark period? I run a ebb&gro bucket system, I've been going 5,11,5,11 on 18/6 lights. now i switch to 12/12 lights should i run the same sched.or cut a watering out in the dark??


Well-Known Member
umm i do it with lights on bc otherwise i would disrupt their sleep causing light to get in but ur call man


Active Member
i usually don't water during dark because during the dark period, it's when the roots grow the most as opposed to during light, when the leaves grow the most. I like my roots to "reach" for water to establish a strong root system. If you have to water during night, you can always use a green led light to work and not disrupt the plant's light cycle.


Well-Known Member
all watering is done by a timer( who the hell has time to water at 5,11,5,11) that sounds like lot of work.