Water: Where do you get yours?

Tripped circuits

Well-Known Member
So I was talking to a local hydroponic shop owner who talked me out of a ppm meter today. Well know I am wondering what store bought water people have tested with ppm & ph meters? I live near a local Giant store and read bad things about there water. So was wondering where you get your water and what ppm and ph levels you get from the store. Thanks


Well-Known Member
I use tap water and let it sit over night for 24hrs, one day I will get a RO but tap water works fine. The ph in all water is around a neutral 7 doesnt matter if its tap,RO or from the local grocery store. Now RO is better because it removes chlorine and other unwanted particles, if you use tap water leave it sit for 24hr so the chlorine evaporates, tap water has always worked for me hope this helped , good luck and happy growing!!


Active Member
So I was talking to a local hydroponic shop owner who talked me out of a ppm meter today. Well know I am wondering what store bought water people have tested with ppm & ph meters? I live near a local Giant store and read bad things about there water. So was wondering where you get your water and what ppm and ph levels you get from the store. Thanks
I use my tap water run through three different micro size filters. My water is over 400 ppm dissolved calcium due to our water is from the mountains. Very, very hard. It come out at approx: 7.3 pH and I dial it down to the target of 5.5 pH with pool acid from the local big box store. It is about 1/2 of the hydro store's acid and works quite well for me, at least this has been the case going on 3 years doing it.


New Member
i used to use RO water. i just use tap now. it comes out at about 7.0 doesnt seem to make a difference to me as far as growing goes, but if your being real precise with your ppms then it may. unless you live in a 3rd world country like russia where the water is so bad, it will make your teeth fall out over time, your tap is probably fine. there is some nasty shit in tap but it's so minute it probably wont make a diff in your grow. my tap comes from lake michigan. it's great water but still has very small amounts of radioactive decaying materials, lead, copper, harmful bateria. they add a lot of chlorine and flouride but if you let it sit it will evaporate. also even if you dont let it evaporate it's not really as bad as people say for your plants. it will never kill your plants. few times when i been in a rush i didnt let it evaporate. you wouldnt even know the difference in your plants.


Well-Known Member
tap is half good half bad
lot of good shit in it and bad is mainly chlorine like mentioned can escape if left to sit in open container
so if your town use chlorine you can work around it
if your town uses chloramine you are screwed it never escapes
and it will kill all your microbiotics in soil

good luck


Well-Known Member
I use RO water from my RO DI unit that I have had for years for my reef aquarium, I just dont run the water threw the DI because I feel the 15-20 TDS RO water is better than 0 TDS RODI water. I personally would not use tap water on my ladies, you just dont know what is in the tap water. My local tap water is over 450ppm TDS.


Well-Known Member
Am reading this and it brings up a question i had about water also, this was a water thread so i didn't want to make another one, sorry if i am imposing dood.
So anyway i usually use just tap water and a little Epsom Salts for my indoors but when i was growing outdoors previosly i would buy still water from the supermarket to take out to the grow.. when i was doing that i thought it would be a good thinkg to also give them a few Litres of Carbonated Natural Spring Water to add to Oxygenating the Roots.. never done any harm to them from what i could see.. so i am wondering is Carbonated Water a good watering option and would it be ok to water a plant its Full Life Cycle with Carbonated??

Replies appreciated.

Peace :leaf:

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Seems a bit odd. You got talked out of buying a PPM meter, and given that you were talked out of buying it this must mean you agreed with his reasoning for not owning one. So why bother enquiring about ppm's of various waters. That in itself makes it sound like you should have bought a ppm meter (i will be like the hydro store guy and say don't bother, utter waste of money.

It's generally accepted that if you can drink it then so can your plant. Growing cannabis can get as intricate as you want it to be, but it's a plant, it will grow in just about any conditions and people just get far far too anal about this that and everything. A large number of very successful growers don't even bother PH'ing their water despite what all of these fancy nutrient ph charts dictate and they don't have an issue.

Cannabis growing is becoming like anything else in life, people are producing anything and everything and finding a way to persuade you that it is a requirement for growing. Water, air, nutrients and light, all you really need :)


Well-Known Member
Am reading this and it brings up a question i had about water also, this was a water thread so i didn't want to make another one, sorry if i am imposing dood.
So anyway i usually use just tap water and a little Epsom Salts for my indoors but when i was growing outdoors previosly i would buy still water from the supermarket to take out to the grow.. when i was doing that i thought it would be a good thinkg to also give them a few Litres of Carbonated Natural Spring Water to add to Oxygenating the Roots.. never done any harm to them from what i could see.. so i am wondering is Carbonated Water a good watering option and would it be ok to water a plant its Full Life Cycle with Carbonated??

Replies appreciated.

Peace :leaf:
Roots use oxygen so you want to use hydrogen peroxide(h2o2).
Info. ~~~> http://www.using-hydrogen-peroxide.com/peroxide-garden.html


Well-Known Member
Am reading this and it brings up a question i had about water also, this was a water thread so i didn't want to make another one, sorry if i am imposing dood.
So anyway i usually use just tap water and a little Epsom Salts for my indoors but when i was growing outdoors previosly i would buy still water from the supermarket to take out to the grow.. when i was doing that i thought it would be a good thinkg to also give them a few Litres of Carbonated Natural Spring Water to add to Oxygenating the Roots.. never done any harm to them from what i could see.. so i am wondering is Carbonated Water a good watering option and would it be ok to water a plant its Full Life Cycle with Carbonated??

Replies appreciated.

Peace :leaf:
There was a study done at the university of Colorado in 2002 that did a controlled grow with Baby's Tears, a ground hugging flowering plant. They showed 67% growth to 170% growth in favor of carbonated water.

Try it out, I just may after reading around a bit.


Well-Known Member
There was a study done at the university of Colorado in 2002 that did a controlled grow with Baby's Tears, a ground hugging flowering plant. They showed 67% growth to 170% growth in favor of carbonated water.

Try it out, I just may after reading around a bit.
Nice, I have to look into that more.


Well-Known Member
I have a little wiggle room to try it on one, and stick to my process on another.

I just don't like the thought of putting in anymore $ than I have to anymore, which purchasing carbonated water does for me, as low cost end result with highest gains is my aim.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, that sounds like it could be Helpful for a cannabis plant, i think my next batch of clones i will do only one or two with Carbonated Water throughout and see if i hit and problems, i am somewhat sceptical that all those bubbles won't do any harm to the roots in one way or another but hey..



Well-Known Member
I have a little wiggle room to try it on one, and stick to my process on another.

I just don't like the thought of putting in anymore $ than I have to anymore, which purchasing carbonated water does for me, as low cost end result with highest gains is my aim.
I recently picked up one of those soda makers from TV, I think I'm going to give it a try. I can make some bad ass carbonated tea fertilizers.

Thanks, that sounds like it could be Helpful for a cannabis plant, i think my next batch of clones i will do only one or two with Carbonated Water throughout and see if i hit and problems, i am somewhat sceptical that all those bubbles won't do any harm to the roots in one way or another but hey..

This is the only bad thing I've come across so far about using carbonated water;

[h=3]Drawbacks[/h] The biggest drawback to growing a plant with carbonated water is the unsustainable raise in nutrients. Unlike fertilizer, the nutrients found in soda water are absorbed very quickly and are not retained by the soil. This means the plant will require more exposure as it begins to grow. The more carbonated water added to the soil, the higher the pH levels will become, stripping the calcium and making the soil unsuitable for plant life.