Waterfarm Drip System...DWC results?


Last time I did a project (15 years ago) I used Passive Hydroponics with Perlite/Vermerculite to passively draw the water up...I even aerated the water in the trays. The results were very good, but no where near the vigorous growth I have no gotten using the multi-unit WaterFarm system. Absolutely amazing! Maybe the grass is greener with pure DWC, I don't know...but I started with clones from the medical dispensary and after 5 weeks of vegging, 6 plants had completely filled a 4' x 8' room...the stocks were about 1" in diamter, and the heavily pruned plants were 4' high bushes. After just 3 weeks of flowering (8 weeks total) they the plants are 5'-6' of "tight growth" and the room is overstuffed...the stocks are 1.5" at the base and picking up the 2 gal grow chamber reveals a giant ball of roots growing in the resivor. Would this system be classified as a combination of drip hydro and DWC? I just can't imagine any more vigorous growth...it's probably been twice as fast as the Passive hydroponics I'm used to?

Edit: I just realized how borring this post must be without pics. I'm a complete NOOB at this stuff, so I'll do some reading and figure out how to uploan some pictures.


Given that I'm 7 weeks away from harvest, I wanted to get vegging off to a good start in another room, and I could use some ideas and advice, as I'm not sure what system/media will transplant well into grow pebbles (I will start with rock wool, but I'm not sure it will allow enough growth (I'd like to have medium-sized plants to drop into the WaterFarm system for flowering)...I didn't want to use too large of rock wool cubes, fearing it putting a giant rock woll cube into my WaterFarm drip system with grow pebbles wouldn't work too well...but maybe this concern/fear is not justified? Relying upon the methods I already know...my thought was to start them in 4" rock wool cubes and then transplant them into a small containter (about 1 gal) with Perlite to passively draw the water up from trays and I would simply rinse most of the perlite away for the final transplant into the grow pebbles of the WaterFarm system. Good idea? Alternative ideas would be appreciated. Thanks!


going to go with another complete waterfarm system for starting and vegging, so transpanting wouldn't be a problem...though I never tested the above (perlite) out.