Watering how much is too much???


Active Member
Ok I am at 4 weeks now. I have cut watering back to every 3-4 days. I am trying to wait for the cups to get nice and light. I want the plants to use up all the water and those roots to search for it! However I don't want to overdue it. I last watered Sunday. Then I'll go without water Mon., Tues., Wed. and will water tommorow on Thursday. Is that a fairly good schedule? At this rate they get a good soaking about twice a week. I am sure I may have to increase to perhaps three times a week when the plants are larger and more demanding.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
Ok I am at 4 weeks now. I have cut watering back to every 3-4 days. I am trying to wait for the cups to get nice and light. I want the plants to use up all the water and those roots to search for it! However I don't want to overdue it. I last watered Sunday. Then I'll go without water Mon., Tues., Wed. and will water tommorow on Thursday. Is that a fairly good schedule? At this rate they get a good soaking about twice a week. I am sure I may have to increase to perhaps three times a week when the plants are larger and more demanding.
Sounds like you got the watering thing down. When you finally do water, water thoroughly. You rally can't overdue it, unless you leave the container soaking in a tray, or the container is very large in comparison to the plant (1 gal per foot of plant is fine)... for instance it you plant a seedling in a 5 gal bucket, and soak the soil, the plant isn't going to pull much moisture out, and it could be 2 weeks before it drys out again. I prefer to transplant as needed rather than go directly into a large container, for that reason. conversely a plant that is too large for it's container, may pull all the moisture out of the soil in 2 days, and the root will quickly become pot bound. :peace:


Active Member
I liked your advice. I am going to be sticking to my watering schedule. I figure better a littly shy on watering than overwatering. After all it's a weed anyway right!? Transplanting will be in a week or so. Wish me luck! I am going with 3 gallon pots.