watering question


Well-Known Member
In about two weeks, the family and I have to go visit my grandparents for about a week.

anyway i have four soil planted plants about half way into flowering.
what can i do ( make ) to water my plants while im gone?
none of my friends know about my grow and i dont want to tell them so i can't have them water them. Any Idea's?


Well-Known Member
Look in to a gavity fed drip line.
Something easy would be a 2l bottle with a pin hole or two in it, suspended over the plant. Or a thin drip line attached.


Well-Known Member
let it dry out until it is time to go and drench just prior to leaving a week should not be a problem, you will have a week to find out be letting it dry ut before you go to know what to expect.


Well-Known Member
seems easier!!!???, these are your babies your talking about, i dont care about whats easier. Do what is BEST for your babies and dont be lazy!.


Active Member
try the 2liter bottle if you have the time and supplies otherwise use LURPs idea.. make sure your babies get their water thoughh!


Well-Known Member
A week is a long time, one feeding before you go won't do the trick. You are risking certain death. Hope you figure it out before you go. I would use a drip system.. Good luck