wats a good size pot i can use through out the growing season n soil thats good?


i have four plants in 7 inches by 6 n 3/4th inches pots n my plants are 1ft 8inches n would like to transplant them into a stable pot through out the season... can someone help me? n also soil tips would be nice thnk u...
there is plenty information about this on the forum. but depends how much room you have. the bigger the pot usually the bigger the plant as the roots have more area to spread and wont stress the plant. any descent compost that is airy can drain well but still hold enough moisture. fox farm or soiless mixture are fine if you can get them were you are. good luck with the grow


thnk u ima go with the fox farm potting soil i did some reaserch n theres a spot i can get it next city over... n wat would be good too feed it?
So you are planting them outdoors?

Pots I would go with would be the smart pots. I've seen a lot of growers recommend it and grow monsters in small smart pots so I know bigger would get you bigger plants.

I definately would look into a soiless mix. I like promix and add whatever to it or you can get a bag of fox farms ocean forest with the fox farm trio nutes. Roots organics is another I would like to try out.