Ways Naggers Bother You


Well-Known Member
What are the top things that they do to bother you?
I will start by saying when they choose to go to a fast food place and then complain about the place while in line before and after ordering and are rude to the employees and other customers.


Well-Known Member
it's usually the nagger women that bother me... just shut up and blow me and then let me go to sleep... No I'm not gonna do the dishes that's your job... Damnit, go make me a sammich... LOL1242710062782_Funniest_Pictures_EVER-s580x463-17973-580.jpg stay high


Pickle Queen
People who annoy me until i need to snap on them, then they try and say i'm the one being rude lol ya, sure sweety ;)


Well-Known Member
People who annoy me until i need to snap on them, then they try and say i'm the one being rude lol ya, sure sweety ;)
Pretty much this...If I said no the first fifteen times you asked me if I want some cranberry juice, don't be surprised when I slap the cup outta your hand. No. I'm not fucking thirsty. I don't need anything to drink because I'm not thirsty. I know it's like the fucking Sahara desert in your mouth 24/7, but I'm chilling on the drink. I don't need anything to drink. No.

Or people who ask me three or four times if I'm going to do something when I already said I will do it, and told them when I'm going to do it. Yes, I'll take the cat to the vet at 4. Yes, don't worry, I won't forget. Yeah, I remember, I said four o' clock. Uh huh, it's still only 2:30, I'll take him at 4. WHAT PART OF "YES, I'LL DO IT AT _ o' CLOCK" DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND, I'M NOT GONNA FORGET, I'LL FUCKING DO IT CAUSE I SAID I WOULD DO IT AT 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wanna make sure I DON'T do what you ask me to do? Ask me to do it like 15 times. "Oops...sorry, I forgot..." Yeah, fuck you!

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
I thought that racism would die with the older generation. I see it's still here, alive and well on both sides.

I hate people with 16 items in the 15 item check out lane at the grocery store.


Well-Known Member
I dislike the ones that follow me out of a room just to continue nagging.

If I am the problem then why are you still following me around?:?:


Well-Known Member
This website isn't very iPad friendly. I can't upload picture of my cebiche and the gente are waiting ffs. App on android isn't working either.


Active Member
Is it racism if you repeat the lines of a black comedian said in the internist of obscuring the ugly side of our differences with humor?

fucking naggers, now we can't even joke around with people of a different race with out being discriminated against for being white and thinking we had the right to say the same things as other races.

lol, as sad as it may be my mom is the worst nagger i know. she can drive you bat shit crazy in only a few hours even from 4 hours away. I have no idea how i kept any of my sanity growing up with her. don't get me wrong i love her to death and know it was all in my best internist, but man is it taxing.


Well-Known Member
Black people over do it. It's like a baby nagging once it knows you'll feed it, wash it's bum or generally panic/worry then the fucking thing will nagg you all day, afternoon and night long. Stick a dummy in the nagger.