Ways of Feeding and Bud blood and over drive questions.


Well-Known Member
Firstly, I was just wondering if it is better to give your plants a feed all up in one day a week or split it up.
For veg i'm running;
Sensi grow

Flower I'm running;
Sensi bloom
Big bud
Bud blood

ATM I'm about to go on to my veg schedule and was thinking I would feed like this:

MON ----------TUE---------WED-----------THUR-----------FRI----------SAT---------SUN
Sensi Grow---Seasol-----Sensi grow------Water--------Sensi grow------Seasol -------Water
1/4 strength-10ml/9L---1/4 strength-------------------1/4 Strength----10ml/9L------------

Or should I just feed the fert in a lump sum every week? Should I give more than a 1/4 strength each feed?

Should I use base nutes while using bud blood and overdrive? I was planing on spiting those up into 1/2 strengths as well.

Keep on toking :joint:

Bict :weed:


Well-Known Member
I would do all nutes-water-nutes-water. My thought would be avoid imbalances in the individual feeding as different nutes work off of others I believe.

Don't know your stuff so can't answer other than to say with others, you add to the base regiment.


Well-Known Member
I'm using all AN nutes, apart from Seasol which is a seaweed root conditioner. I use Seasol after Sensi because I grow in soil and Sensi being a chemical fert destroys soil bacteria. :)