Ways to avoid mold?


Active Member
Hey Stoners and Growers,

I just planted my first plants yesterday and I want to be prepared for everything. Mold is what I'm preparing for at the moment. My plants are outside in an open feild surounded by trees and brush.
My question is what all can cause mold? And how can I stop it? I hear you can get mold as it drys or cures and as it grows...any tips on how to prevent any mold?

Thanx and Happy Growing and Toking


Active Member
Keep it warm while drying? Is mold more common during the drying and curing process or in the growing period?


Mold can become a problem in any stage of growth and after harvest. Excess water on buds/foliage, overwatering and low air flow all cause mold. To prevent mold make sure their is always a lot of airflow in and around flowers and foliage. Also try and make sure the relative humidity never gets too high (above 75% ). This isn't really possible to control outdoors while the plants are growing, but when drying and curing it will be possible to control. Above all keep things clean, well ventilated and dry and you should avoid mold problems.


Well-Known Member
What is the best way to get rid of mould once you have it in an indoor grow?

Use 1 part milk and 9 parts water mix well and spray. There is an enzyme in milk that kills mold. This has been used for over 100 years by farmers and I have used this a few times when I got mold. Spray well till run off.

Don't toss the plant no reason too.


Active Member
Use 1 part milk and 9 parts water mix well and spray. There is an enzyme in milk that kills mold. This has been used for over 100 years by farmers and I have used this a few times when I got mold. Spray well till run off.

Don't toss the plant no reason too.
Milk shake it is woodsmaneh. Just got off the phone from where I got the clone from ( MOULD CITY )
If I cant get it under control, They will have to be pitched.
Thank you woodsmaneh


Well-Known Member
For indoor if your having isusses with mold your humidity is to high. I like to keep mine at 40-50 in flower. And you can also use a salfer burner. Just befor 12/12. Brun it for 2 hours 1 night then 2 the next. Changing the sulfer each time. This should raise the ph on the plant it self. Mold dosnt like high ph growing areas. Don't do it in flower the taste will be in the buds.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
I have noticed that constant flow systems in rockwool slabs are prone to mold. The roots need a chance to breath. For the rest of the room you can get mold resistant paint.


Well-Known Member
Don't waste your money on a burner, just get the air moving and things should turn around. I have a burner and I used it a few time but then I decided to fix the cause. I run my rooms at 65% RH and temps from 70 to 85, I have buckets that sometimes have condensation on them but I still don't get PM because I have good air movement in the rooms at all times. Fans and not crowding your plants will fix it. PM will not likely kill your plants but if you have it real bad it will decrease yield, big time. The milk will deal with it but get the fans going, and they don't need to be full force, just get the air on the floor moving in a circle up to the ceiling and it will mix with your warm air and come back down which will even out your temps also.

[h=3]What Causes Powdery Mildew?[/h]
Powdery mildew fungi seem to be everywhere. They overwinter in plant debris begin producing spores in the spring. These spores are carried to your plants by wind, insects and splashing water. Conditions that encourage the growth and spread of powdery mildew include:
  • Dampness or high humidity
  • Crowded plantings
  • Poor air circulation


Active Member
Don't waste your money on a burner, just get the air moving and things should turn around. I have a burner and I used it a few time but then I decided to fix the cause. I run my rooms at 65% RH and temps from 70 to 85, I have buckets that sometimes have condensation on them but I still don't get PM because I have good air movement in the rooms at all times. Fans and not crowding your plants will fix it. PM will not likely kill your plants but if you have it real bad it will decrease yield, big time. The milk will deal with it but get the fans going, and they don't need to be full force, just get the air on the floor moving in a circle up to the ceiling and it will mix with your warm air and come back down which will even out your temps also.

What Causes Powdery Mildew?

Powdery mildew fungi seem to be everywhere. They overwinter in plant debris begin producing spores in the spring. These spores are carried to your plants by wind, insects and splashing water. Conditions that encourage the growth and spread of powdery mildew include:

  • Dampness or high humidity
  • Crowded plantings
  • Poor air circulation
I beleave it started when i brought in a clone and a four day power outage. Air circulation is good with two 18" os fans going at all times, one high and one low. One 8" fan in the ceiling pulling out and a squirrel cage fan at floor leavel blowing in that comes on five minutes just before the co2 kicks on. I tested it with a fluffy feather and it just keeps blowing around and around the room.
The lower leaves do have a slight wind burn. plenty of air circulation between top of units and lower branches. The eight plants are somewhat crowed in a room that is 7' x 12'.Buds are just starting to form. RH runs 70% veg and 50% bud. Res. temp 64* Room temp lights on 85* off 70* give or take 3*.
Thanks for the save woodsmaneh I did a little reading up on the sulphur burner and was just about to go with one. I undarstand the milk application needs to be unpasturized milk.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
I would like to mention that I burn six pieces on briquet charcoal in a controled burner per 1000w/hps system. RIU suggest for various safety reasons this is not advisable but I've done it without incident for about


Active Member
I would like to mention that I burn six pieces on briquet charcoal in a controled burner per 1000w/hps system. RIU suggest for various safety reasons this is not advisable but I've done it without incident for about
do you have pics of this burner? i control my humidity w/ a Dehumidifier. never had issues w/ mold yet

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
I use one of those hibachi two steak charcoal barbecues. I furthered mine by placing it in a metal box and use a range hood filtre.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
This requires certain ventilation prosesses as co2 is being preduced and must be cleared before the HPS goes off.


Active Member
I just discovered mold last night on my plants. I'm going to try the milk mixture. Is this the same as powdery mildew? My last grow I never had a problem with it and I'm not doing anything different on this grow so it's got me kinda scared. They are clones I've only had for a week though so maybe they came to me with it. They have been growing great otherwise, doubled in size in one week.

moldy plant.jpg