ways to keep resevoir at good temp


Well-Known Member
im trying to think of a way to maintain 60-75 degrees in my res! i have frozen some RO water in dixie cups i was thinking of putting them in would it be safe or should i float the cups in the res? ideas help they are getting too warm


Well-Known Member
im just gonna go with put a ice chunk in take out equal water it doesnt really go above 70 but i just like to be safe


Well-Known Member
use extra long tubes to connect your air stones to the pump and place the pump near the intake, the pump should use the coldest air possible in the room cause all those bubbles have a major factor in how warm your res gets, think about it. if your pumping the warm air in there should be a heat exchange. so the goal is to pump in the coldest air available to help.


Well-Known Member
Chiller! It sucks, but once the temps go above 73 you are in for it, I have just been there :(
Other option is very expensive additives, which is only a temporary solution at best.
Save for the chiller $350+

Good luck mate,


Well-Known Member
Buy a used window airconditioner
and blow it on the rez.

Keep the room at 66 or less.

Run your airlines through the cold air from the window unit.


Well-Known Member
it hasnt went above seventy yet i dont think! I'm just using ice chunks i free in dixie cups works perfect


Well-Known Member
I have a window A/C set to 73.Air temp at the res is 75 and water in the res is according to my meter is 29.?C which is 84.
Thats on the high side but I've had very little problem.I had a major prob before the A/C cause room was over 85F and I had a algae growth but after the A/C and a good res scubbing no probs since.

I'm thinking of getting a used mini fridge making a mini res inside and having the water chilled inside and then routed out the side into the main res.


Well-Known Member
Im trying a ice chest that plugs into cig lighter use to drive a big truck and used it for food and stuff have a/c converter.have 2 5 gallon buckets that im using for dwc and put them in it.will let u know how it works if anybody interested????


Well-Known Member
Im trying a ice chest that plugs into cig lighter use to drive a big truck and used it for food and stuff have a/c converter.have 2 5 gallon buckets that im using for dwc and put them in it.will let u know how it works if anybody interested????
Yeah, the problem is, that they do not use a compressor, instead a Peltier device. It will not be able to keep up and it is most likely to small in order to use it for more than 1 plant.

This is one of these things were we can resist all we want, but in the end there will be a AC or a chiller or even both. Get used to the idea, it sucks, but your grows will get a lot smoother (that's what I learned)

Good luck mate!


Well-Known Member
chances are you probably wont expand to over 50 gallons any time soon.

get a 1/10th hp chiller at least for this.


Well-Known Member
haha we all can def dream tho. I'm doing the mini fridge idea it is gonna chill the water to like 50 degrees then it will mix with the nuterient solution in the bubbler and it should bring it down about 60-65 which will make me happy


Well-Known Member
I grow in my basement, the resevoir stays at around 68 degrees in the summer. In the winter I have to put an aquarium heater in the rez to keep it warmer.

I know this doesn't help you, but it might maybe make you think about growing in the basement. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I grow upstairs in my house.While the basement is cooler it is also easier to detect odd temp readings by police.If your in a old house and you grow upstairs the rooms are always hotter up there cause heat rises.Basements are always cooler so if they fly near and check you out gonna look strange your basement being warmer than everyone else's.