Weak yields...


Well-Known Member
Lick my stump, if you grow under mh, you get shit yields, end of
ill bet all you can grow is stumps with that kind of knowledge. :clap:

MH may not give you as good of yields as a hps bulb but to say it will give you shit yields is just ignorant. growing with a halogen or incandescent bulb will give you shit yields. :idea:

and lack of lumens will not increase the flowering time. it will reduce the output of the plant but a plant has a set life cycle. if lack of lumens will increase flowering times then explain how guys growing under cfls pull 8 week harvests?? :o

lack of nutes however such as lack of nitrogen can delay and slow down flowering times so again you obviously have no idea what you are talking about.. :hump: :hump:

and as far as investing in lighting to get big buds? that is only a fraction of the equation. you have to have ideal temps, proper ventalation, enough space, and proper lighting to get big buds. :weed:

go grow your stumps and quit giving disinformation.. unless you would like to attempt to prove me wrong :fire:



Active Member
I go by the equation, Half a gram per watt and work it up from there, get the light right before you start jigging the nutes. I'm quite aware of what nitrogen does during flowering, why, do you keep giving your plants nitrogen during flowering? Personally I only give a trace of nitrogen during flowering, maybe i'm wrong. But i dont think so. Your over complicating the issue. light, nutes, temp ventilation pretty much in that order. I offered advice which someone said is bull shit, you stick to your grows, i'll stick to mine.


Well-Known Member
I go by the equation, Half a gram per watt and work it up from there, get the light right before you start jigging the nutes. I'm quite aware of what nitrogen does during flowering, why, do you keep giving your plants nitrogen during flowering? Personally I only give a trace of nitrogen during flowering, maybe i'm wrong. But i dont think so. Your over complicating the issue. light, nutes, temp ventilation pretty much in that order. I offered advice which someone said is bull shit, you stick to your grows, i'll stick to mine.
.....Why do people who have no clue what they are talking about try to offer advice.

MH will does NOT mean lower yields during flowering. PERIOD.

MH will keep your plants shorter and bushier. Where as with HPS they will get a bit taller and stretch out more. HPS is preferable towards the end of flowering, but if you want High yields without super tall plants add an MH with your HPS for flowering.

'Light, Nutes, Temp, ventilation"

No, No, No, and No.

All new growers get so confused with all the options and people telling them they need big lights to grow big buds.

Ventilation/environment, IMO, are the MOST IMPORTANT THING to ANY GROW.

If your environment/temp/humidity is off you will have nothing but problems. Low yields, Mold, Mildew, Bugs....

Once you get your environment in check you then add more lighting, or start experimenting with nutes.

You say you personally give a trace of Nirtogen during flowering....All flowering nutes have trace N in it....

First 3 weeks of flowering your plants still use a lot of N for upward growth before packing on bud sights. If your on a good nute shedule your program with drop off with N usage as your plants wont need them, and your buds will usually get a bit of "the claw" with too much Nirtrogen during flower.

MH does NOT cause low yields.....Bad growing causes low yields. End Of Story.


AABC Goofyboots

Active Member
well. guys. thanks for all the helpful information. and just to clear something up... the 4 pictures i uploaded were TEN WEEKS OLD!!!!!!!!!! the sativa pictured in the front left is still growing. Monday, January 12th will be its 12th week of 12/12 lighting and it is no where near being finished budding. she still has 80-85% white hairs on the buds.

the two plants on the right (the ones that look like a strong indica mix) finished their flowering 4-5 weeks ago. yielded about 40 grams off the two plants. (1.5 ft tall)

the plant that you can't really see thats in the back left finished its flowering 3 weeks ago. it was a sativa/indica mix. I tested the smoke out yesterday and it was good, really good. i'm quite impressed with myself... although it only yielded 20 grams from a 3 foot tall plant :( :(

again. i haven't used any nutes. I don't know where to find any good ones. :( :(

after reading all the posts it seems that an investment into nutrients seems to be the most logical choice. I'll do some research on proper nutrient mixes and i'll come back with some newer pictures later on.


Well-Known Member
well. guys. thanks for all the helpful information. and just to clear something up... the 4 pictures i uploaded were TEN WEEKS OLD!!!!!!!!!! the sativa pictured in the front left is still growing. Monday, January 12th will be its 12th week of 12/12 lighting and it is no where near being finished budding. she still has 80-85% white hairs on the buds.

the two plants on the right (the ones that look like a strong indica mix) finished their flowering 4-5 weeks ago. yielded about 40 grams off the two plants. (1.5 ft tall)

the plant that you can't really see thats in the back left finished its flowering 3 weeks ago. it was a sativa/indica mix. I tested the smoke out yesterday and it was good, really good. i'm quite impressed with myself... although it only yielded 20 grams from a 3 foot tall plant :( :(

again. i haven't used any nutes. I don't know where to find any good ones. :( :(

after reading all the posts it seems that an investment into nutrients seems to be the most logical choice. I'll do some research on proper nutrient mixes and i'll come back with some newer pictures later on.
did you get it from seed or clone? just cuz it flowers under 12/12 for however many weeks does not matter. they still are not done. you cannot just determine when you want them to be done, they will be done when they are done.. you are getting low yields because you do not let them finish.

every single plant in that picture is not even close to being ready.

and your plants are lush and green which means you have a soil that has nutes in it.. you need to get a good organic soil and a bloom booster which you can order online or get at a hydroponic store..

and BC is completely dead on.


its not how many lights you can cram in or how many ppms they get, it is all about the proper RH and temp to ensure that they can breathe!! if they cant breathe they will not be able to utalize the millions of watts you throw at em or the most expensive nutes.. please dont listen to people spreading disinfo like jimbob or whatever


AABC Goofyboots

Active Member
Before i chopped down the plants for harvest the majority of the hairs on the buds were brown and the buds had a nice milkey white color to them. I grew them from seed. and for the third time. the plants in that picture are now over 11 weeks old, the plants are not 11 weeks old. but the picture, itself is 11 weeks old. i'm aware that the environment is very important. Also, i tend to ignore the comments from people with lower reps and i appreciate your advice. I'll look into bloom boosters...
Thanks guys.