"Weed Is From The Earth So It's Good For Me"


Well-Known Member
i hate this fucking pot-head reference line.

jesus christ... this is the worst argument that could ever be made for anything... why do people insist on saying that if it's natural it's okay or good for you?

newsflash a lot of shit that grows in the ground is downright deadly/toxic/poisonous.

most psychoactive alkaloids in plants (morphine, thebaine, thc, psilocybin, nicotine, caffeine, cocaine) exist in nature as lethal pesticides... we are just lucky that they are fun and pleasurable to us while deadly to some species...

i mean how many plants were smoked/eaten with death as a consequence... far more than have benefitted mankind.

so thank your ancestors for weeding out everything that's toxic and cataloguing it for you so you can sit there smoke bowls and say "god put this here for me" fuck that, god didn't put anything here for you it's random so accept it.

that being said thc is one of the least toxic substances known to mankind, period. smoke up.


Well-Known Member
i hate this fucking pot-head reference line.

jesus christ... this is the worst argument that could ever be made for anything... why do people insist on saying that if it's natural it's okay or good for you?

newsflash a lot of shit that grows in the ground is downright deadly/toxic/poisonous.

most psychoactive alkaloids in plants (morphine, thebaine, thc, psilocybin, nicotine, caffeine, cocaine) exist in nature as lethal pesticides... we are just lucky that they are fun and pleasurable to us while deadly to some species...

i mean how many plants were smoked/eaten with death as a consequence... far more than have benefitted mankind.

so thank your ancestors for weeding out everything that's toxic and cataloguing it for you so you can sit there smoke bowls and say "god put this here for me" fuck that, god didn't put anything here for you it's random so accept it.

that being said thc is one of the least toxic substances known to mankind, period. smoke up.
How do you know that God didn't put it here for us? How do you know this is random?

Man made substances are engineered for a more defined purpose, and are often lethal when taken in excess. You cannot die off of THC, even if you tried.


Well-Known Member
thc is definitely very non-toxic.

but i'm saying the fact that it's a plant or what have you doesn't mean it's good for you. it is good for you but that's just not the reason why.

did god put poisonous mushrooms and berries here for us too?


Active Member
I completely agree with you. I hate that fucking statement. It's pretty pathetic that it is their best knock out punch in the good ole logic department. Just because something is natural is an awful argument.

Cliffs, Blizzards, Great White Sharks, Poison Ivy, mold, lead, etc.....

All Natural and all can fuck you up if abused.

Edit: This is pure speculation on my part. But I think it you TRIED to od on thc you could do it. I mean take a strong thc/saleine through an iv until your diaphram stops. Im sure it's possible.


Well-Known Member
smoke isnt good for ur lungs in any form... but the other things u named are pretty much worthless unless its refinded by man... katt willams said it best when he said weed is a plant its natural.. it doesnt need to be cut ,cooked ,mixed or anything... it just grows.. and just by chance if it happens to catch fire there is some effects it will give off.. in no way would i say its good for u because its natural... its good and has been proven to be a natural healer of some health problems .. thats why i feel its good yhat it is natural.. because its not all man made bullshit that they are raedy to give u for every little problem a person has...


Well-Known Member
yeah fair enough, but man has made more progress in the last 2000 years than every living thing combined throughout existence!

man made bullshit you say, i don't know you but i'm pretty sure you wouldn't know how to get around or even survive without a lot of the man made bullshit you take for granted.

i love pot, but i dont defend it because it is a plant. that's dumb.

and cannabis smoke actually has anti-oxidant properties which LOWER your risk of lung cancer. however it does cause upper respiratory tract irritation and can lead to a higher rate of infection (common cold, bronchitis). so smoke isn't always bad, it isn't purely good either.


Well-Known Member
jesus 420 you sound like my ex...i hate that hoe...i dont hate you cause i dont know you...and if i did i would like you before i hated you anyway...


Well-Known Member
i was saying man made medicine... alot of us use the herb as a medicine .. not just for shit and giggles...im more on a all natural medical standpoint.. iv got down from 9 man made pills a day to only 2 .. because of the herb.. and its ainti inflamatory benifits.. i deff defend it as a all natural plant..


Well-Known Member
i dont judge if things are made by man or made by nature, i judge purely on the effects and pros and cons. weed happens to be pros only so i enjoy it and endorse it


Well-Known Member
You are missing the point entirely jesus420. Stoners aren't saying that if something is natural it is automatically good for you, they are saying that generally natural is better than processed. Simple as that. It is a shorthand, because most people have the common sense to not take it literally. Yes, we all know that arsenic is 100% natural. :roll:

Marijuana is better for insomnia that some mademade concoction like Lunesta, things like that.



Well-Known Member
i'm perfectly calm dude :weed:

i'm just saying people should stop making that argument.. and those same people will eat mcdonald's...

i really don't think 90% of the people who make that statement are making that argument, rather they're saying that god made this special plant and put it here for people and so it's free from evil and malice of the man made world blah blah...

it's time for cannabis enthusiasts everywhere to stop acting like dumb hippies~

and start acting like smart hippies

like instead of saying "weed is good for me it's from the earth" that same person should say something intelligent such as "cannabinoids in marijuana have neuroprotective properties" or "THC is a useful medicine for people with wasting disorders or chronic pain or insomnia and is less toxic than any FDA approved chemical and less toxic than most foods"


Well-Known Member
So you never did have a question, you just don't like "dumb hippies" and you want them to talk differently. Brilliant.

i'm perfectly calm dude :weed:

i'm just saying people should stop making that argument.. and those same people will eat mcdonald's...

i really don't think 90% of the people who make that statement are making that argument, rather they're saying that god made this special plant and put it here for people and so it's free from evil and malice of the man made world blah blah...

it's time for cannabis enthusiasts everywhere to stop acting like dumb hippies~

and start acting like smart hippies

like instead of saying "weed is good for me it's from the earth" that same person should say something intelligent such as "cannabinoids in marijuana have neuroprotective properties" or "THC is a useful medicine for people with wasting disorders or chronic pain or insomnia and is less toxic than any FDA approved chemical and less toxic than most foods"


Active Member
smoke isnt good for ur lungs in any form... but the other things u named are pretty much worthless unless its refinded by man... katt willams said it best when he said weed is a plant its natural.. it doesnt need to be cut ,cooked ,mixed or anything... it just grows.. and just by chance if it happens to catch fire there is some effects it will give off.. in no way would i say its good for u because its natural... its good and has been proven to be a natural healer of some health problems .. thats why i feel its good yhat it is natural.. because its not all man made bullshit that they are raedy to give u for every little problem a person has...
katt williams is a comedian though:-|

and yeah, no one has ever died from weed.


Well-Known Member
I agree with Picasso here. Pot heads aren't saying that just because its
natural its good for you. I think they're merely trying to put into perspective that weed when used medicinally is less hazardous
to your health. We have all this man-made medicine that helps
one symptom, but then causes about several others.
I think I'm just trying to say when used medically, its way better
for you than anything thats man made. Actually, when I smoke
the only bad effects I ever get is cottonmouth, and sometimes
my throat hurts. But after the high kicks in, the pain in the
throat goes away.

Another thing, they're also saying that weed is a more natural "drug"
than other things that get you high. Such as cocaine, speed, meth
and other things that are chemically altered. You don't get addicted
to weed unless you have addictive traits inherited from your parents.
And yes, its true. For example: If both of your parents are alcoholics, and
you start to drink, you're genetically predisposed to possibly become an alcoholic.

Just my 2 cents.

You are missing the point entirely jesus420. Stoners aren't saying that if something is natural it is automatically good for you, they are saying that generally natural is better than processed. Simple as that. It is a shorthand, because most people have the common sense to not take it literally. Yes, we all know that arsenic is 100% natural. :roll:

Marijuana is better for insomnia that some mademade concoction like Lunesta, things like that.



Well-Known Member
well, yeah, it's a natural plant. doesn't have to be good for you, doesn't go for everybody. some people just really like it, and it doesn't instigate anger or violence. rather the opposite, peace and tranquility.
personal observations, aight? no scientific "proof" do i have for support or anything like that. i'm not big into science, i htink it's just loads of bull (though not untrue...if that makes sense)


Active Member
While there are definitely plants that can kill you, those same plants can be used for other applications as medicine or nourishment.

There is a species of Almonds that have cyanide. Our Ancestors removed the poison from almonds to consume them.

I personally like to ask people a rhetorical question, "God created the universe and everything in it, are you saying he fucked up? Or is there a truth that you know and God does not?"

So Yes, if it's from the earth, it will be good for you, in one form or another. Don't just blindly consume or smoke everything and assume that's how God wanted you to eat his fruit.