weed plant help


hey guys,

I found 2 weed plants growing in a pot on the back porch, i guess its wild because my parents dont smoke. they're very religious.
Anyway there are two plants ; both of them have a stem thats about ten inches long. a few leaves grow everyday. the bigger leaves are lime geen and the smaller are forest green. What i find interesting is that its below freezing in Douglasville this week at night and its growing fine. could it be Christmas tree bud? why is the stem so long? please help. im new at this
oh by the way i just joined a few minutes ago ha


Well-Known Member
"Mom... Dad... I'm sorrybutiaccidentlystoleyourweedandheresisback. Here. ithoughtitwastheneighbors. Sorry."



Active Member
if i was was you i would bring them inside the house and tell your parents you found them outside and you want to research what kink of plant it is....... put them on the spot.


Well-Known Member
I highly doubt they are actually marijuana plants. its easy to be a lil confused when your new, them other guys are all just playing around btw, dont take em serious. i would like to see some pictures of this so called marijuana plant. either way the important thing isnt what kind of plant it actually is, the important thing is that you want to learn how to grow. its not as easy a hobby to get into as you'd think though, it takes alot of work/money and learning/reading to grow. are you still interested?(u cant grow them outside now by the way, you'll have to build a stealth growbox.)If u are i can link you to some real informative articles and stuff


Well-Known Member
thanks for the pics, well, it does kind of look like a pot plant, but im pretty sure/convinced it really isnt(no offense or nothing) . the leaves look a little too round to me among other things.