weed smell on roof


I have 1 small plant. I have grown before but now i had to move it to the roof for security reasons. would the smell be very strong on the roof if this plant gets big?


I would think that given it is on the roof, it would be much less secure than anywhere else. i.e. The 'sniff test' is thermal cameras that monitor via helicopter (air). No thermal footprint, but I don't know about you, when you look at a roof, usually you don't expect to see anything on it. Therefore if something is on it, it may attract a great deal of attention, to onlookers, air traffic, or otherwise. Plus if you have a puff when you take care of your plants (which I happen to do every time), it is only a matter of time until TUMBLE


Well-Known Member
Pass that dank your smoking man cause this is hilarious!!!

Take that chit off the roof, find somewhere to really grow :p
Its gonna stink up the neighbor hood for sure


Well-Known Member
Hmmm...one plant smell has never really been too bad for me...ya know how sometimes you'll be driving around in the car and you will just sometimes smell weed...I assume it would be like that...


Active Member
Flat roof with a parapit ur good A-frame not so good well smell exactly as if it was on ground go figure. Will get really hot up there for sure