Week 8 flowering pics


Active Member
It's being grown with 550watts of cfl/10k lumens surrounding her. Shultz organic soil, 6 nute spikes, molasses and Liquid Growth Flower Bloom.

Tell me what ya think :)
ps I don't know the strain, it was garbage bag seed my friend gave me that got mixed in to my other seeds.. Guess the guy didn't know anything about growing ;)




Active Member
Looks great! Theres no doubt that CFL's can produce fine-quality bud.

That being said, I've switched to an HPS system for my newest grow and I'm astounded by the results so far. I was running about 550W of CFLs, now I'm using only 160W of CFL + the 400w HPS.

The way I see it- if you can get results like that from CFLs, you'd be deadly with an HPS


Well-Known Member
results like what? we cant see the plant.just the top of the bud.whats in the middle?
what could be so different in the middle that the top wont also represent? do you think someone torched the bottem of the plant, or that Srage manacured the top for pic taking?

I think it looks great man, keep up the good work


Active Member
thank you Troglart!
This girl has been lots of fun to work with, loved to feed and was not finicky at all :)
I've tried taking a pic of more of the plant however I'm usig an iPhone and the camera sucks on it! Only reason that last pics came out well was because I used a magnifying glass lol.


Well-Known Member
thank you Troglart!
This girl has been lots of fun to work with, loved to feed and was not finicky at all :)
I've tried taking a pic of more of the plant however I'm usig an iPhone and the camera sucks on it! Only reason that last pics came out well was because I used a magnifying glass lol.
lol, maybe using some of money (if your selling it, otherwise the money you save on buying bud) from the grow and get a cheap digital camera to take some better pics with.

before growing i never even touched my camera
buds look nice mine are at eight weeks too and look just like yours but im letting mine go for another week or two so they fatten up a bit more? how are your tricks? any amber ones yet?


Active Member
Troglart I used to have a 1900$ camera but my crazy ex smashed it. Have been thinking of getting another camera but I won't be spending that much ever again lol.

Cake, I am alsogoing to leave mine for another week or two, possibly more. For some reason the crown seems a bit under-developed in comparison to the other buds. The trichs are the same as the other buds but the hairs are not even close to as mature as the other sites. Still pumping her with molasses but I've started her flush a week ago and I am debating if I should give her one last shot of nutes since I may leave her for two weeks more anyways.

I'm trying not to rush her crop time but I have two clones that I'd really like to get all my lights on. This plant I'm budding was a gift because it was a diff strain from what I gave her and ha no idea about it so I had to break my set up in two closets lol. I also have a nice 1foot indica which I have no idea where it came from so I'm excited to have more lumens on those three for veg. The clones are purple lemon skunk and are excessively bushy! They are 50cm tall and have shoots that are 40cm lol.


Well-Known Member
Troglart I used to have a 1900$ camera but my crazy ex smashed it. Have been thinking of getting another camera but I won't be spending that much ever again lol.

Cake, I am alsogoing to leave mine for another week or two, possibly more. For some reason the crown seems a bit under-developed in comparison to the other buds. The trichs are the same as the other buds but the hairs are not even close to as mature as the other sites. Still pumping her with molasses but I've started her flush a week ago and I am debating if I should give her one last shot of nutes since I may leave her for two weeks more anyways.

I'm trying not to rush her crop time but I have two clones that I'd really like to get all my lights on. This plant I'm budding was a gift because it was a diff strain from what I gave her and ha no idea about it so I had to break my set up in two closets lol. I also have a nice 1foot indica which I have no idea where it came from so I'm excited to have more lumens on those three for veg. The clones are purple lemon skunk and are excessively bushy! They are 50cm tall and have shoots that are 40cm lol.
wow that sucks about the camera. ide break up with her just over that if u hadnt planned on it already.

how do u not know where the 1 ft indica came from (especially with an indoor grow)?.. im kinda puzzled


Active Member
oh I dumped her ass and in an overly embarassing way for her :)

I mean I took my seeds from the same bag but this indica is a completely different strain than what it should be. So I have no idea where I got the strain from, not the plant it's self.
I have never grown a plant with such fat leaves so I'm excited to grow it out and hope she's a lady. I'll have to take a pic of one of the leaves to show because I'm thinking it's pure indica.


Well-Known Member
lol i can only imagine what u did to your ex.
as for the random indica, well thats kinda weird on its origins.. really cool at the same time tho. tell ur friend to stop mixing up all the seeds lol.


Active Member
I'm definately looking forward to this indica plant; male or female. Seeing as how it's indica and my other strains are sativa dominant I should be able to make a decent cross. I just cut a clone off of it now so I'll see in a few weeks what the sex is. I do believe it's a pure indica mango because it really smells like mango! The leaves are as long as a bic lighter and each finger of the leaf is as wide as a bic lighter.. Such a fatty :p
It's nice to know what your growing and what kind of time period to expect, but at the same time it is kind of fun not knowing what your gonna get or how to handle it.. Kind of keeps you on the ball and a constant eye on em lol.

Oh also the last little bit with y temps dropped at night has really started to bring out the colours in my girl in flower! She looks like she will be potent and great tasting :)