Week of Total Darkness or Chop Hermie Down?


Active Member
will giving a plant that hermied halfway threw flowering 4 weeks into 12/12 a week of total darkness before you chop it down mature it at all all the pistils are all still white but it cant be under light any more because it will pollinate females so would you leave it in total darkness for a week then chop it or chop it now?? it has like 10g of dry bud on it guessing

sgt d

Well-Known Member
I'd dry it first. I think the final part of the process, before that stuff is good for anything, is drying and curing it. That allows the (lemme see if I can get this straight) chlorophyll and starches to become sugars, or something like that...

The point is, I think if you let it dry and cure before using, the butter you make will taste less green and chlorophyll-y. I've never used fresh product, so Idunno for sure, but that's my guess.


Active Member
k thanks ill tell him to put it in a brown bag for a week then jar cure for a week then make some nice cannabuttere for a sleep aid


Active Member
will giving a plant that hermied halfway threw flowering 4 weeks into 12/12 a week of total darkness before you chop it down mature it at all all the pistils are all still white but it cant be under light any more because it will pollinate females so would you leave it in total darkness for a week then chop it or chop it now?? it has like 10g of dry bud on it guessing

Make hash out of it. SEriously....don't waste it. It's still smokable....


Well-Known Member
Week of darkness then? Or just chop. I've never actually had a hermie before, so i'm unsure as to how to proceed with it.