weight lose after driying

weed witch

Active Member
new to this game lol.. so please be nice and patient with me.. lol.. hoping u guys can put my mind at rest.. i had 26oz of wet and gave it 2 a friend 2 dry for me but he is now saying its dry and only 9oz.. :( does this sound about right..???
Sorry forgot to mention that i gave him it a week ago today..

Thanks for your help.. just one last thing he also saying that its loosing weight everyday.. is this right 2.. all in all how long should it take to dry.. thanks again.. :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks for your help.. just one last thing he also saying that its loosing weight everyday.. is this right 2.. all in all how long should it take to dry.. thanks again.. :)
they lose 70 to 85% of their weight, while they are drying they will lose weight daily until dry...

weed witch

Active Member
sounds like his smokin it... puff puff pass with your shit
Lol.. yer probably rite.. lil fucker puffing mine.. jst found it strange that it lost so much weight.. he does hydro n i do soil and 2 be honest his buds were no bigger than pop corn.. n his eyes popped out his head wen he saw my buds.. so he suggests he'll take it n dry it.. I had chopped it 2 days before i gave him it at 26oz n he reports back after 1wk that its now dropped to 9oz.. Friends eh.. :(

love the dog :) is he/she a pit..? I've got 3 pit type dogs.. lol..


Well-Known Member
Lol.. yer probably rite.. lil fucker puffing mine.. jst found it strange that it lost so much weight.. he does hydro n i do soil and 2 be honest his buds were no bigger than pop corn.. n his eyes popped out his head wen he saw my buds.. so he suggests he'll take it n dry it.. I had chopped it 2 days before i gave him it at 26oz n he reports back after 1wk that its now dropped to 9oz.. Friends eh.. :(

love the dog :) is he/she a pit..? I've got 3 pit type dogs.. lol..
Why did you agree to let him dry it, it doesn't make any sense... It sounds like he might be taking you for a ride.
"Here you grew it right but let me dry it right"... Don't be a sucker drive over there and pick up your nugs asap!


Well-Known Member
Well its kind of hard to tell the weight from wet to dry because it depends on the grower and how he drys out the bud, could over dry them, not dry them enough. but usualy in general you lose about 2/3's of the weight. hope that helps :bigjoint:


Active Member
the less that know what your doing the better friend. even those you know however however shady or paranoid that sounds its always a rule that won't dissapoint.

weed witch

Active Member
LOL i will be doing it ALL by myself now.. thanks for the advice.. trust know one.. Just for the record the lil fuck has no idea were I'm doing this am not that stupid.. just really stupid when it came to the drying and trusted him to do it.. lesson learned.. lol..


Well-Known Member
Did you mean to ask how much weight will it lose during the curing process?
Cause you said "After its done drying" ... not "after curing".

Anyway, if you dry your buds until 90% snap-able stems, how much more will they lose in the curing process.
Lets say someone hypothetically has 10 dried ounces, that are going into jars, how much more will they lose after the hang drying process?

I would like to know too.


Well-Known Member
You will lose minimum 70% from of weight when drying from wet to smokeable. More like 80-90% from wet to dry when its cured properly, depending how dry you like your buds.

I would say average 75-85% though.
