weird bud growth week 13!!!


Well-Known Member
hi guys,

this plant looked lovelyyyy until recently!

its by no way ready to be chopped, its a sativa and its mother took more than 15 weeks to be ready.

but the issue here is, that the fat buds stopped getting fatter, and instead they are shooting upwards... if you look at the image, you'll see the fat area, and above it the bud just grows all skinny upwards... it looks horrible and its just not right...why is this happening?

i'm feeding it about 3ml/litre of biobizz bloom (organic) and that's about it... do you think it might need more bloom power?

the fan leaves have mostly turned yellow now, so i was thinking of giving it a tiny bit of grow food just to keep them going...?

thanks for the help!!!



Well-Known Member
you have a plant that just needs more time,The "weird"growth I am unsure of what you are referring to but,you do have some foxtailing.This is normal.To help slow this down,raise your lights a little ,your plants may be getting a little warm.


Well-Known Member
the weird growth is that tinnnny stem of a bud at the top. look at it..its skinny like a little stem with tiny bit of flowers on it... it just doesn't look also has loads of leaf coming out at the top


Well-Known Member
i know how long this takes because i have 5 others...

none of them reacted this way....the buds on this plant aren't building up where they did before anymore (the fat areas) instead they are growing taller, which is what those thin bits at the top just doesnt look right and something must be wrong..

i have another plant next to it from the same mother, and its the same age and its buds are still massive and growing...


Well-Known Member
man, for real... dont worry:)
Pull the lamps a little bit further away... and it'll be fine...
the other plants that you said arent growing long funny bits, are going to eventually...
Its not a bad sign... sativas almost always do that... the thickness of that new growth will depend on climate and nuts... even top notch growers sometimes dont get it as thick as the lower parts of the buds...

Sativas will pretty much do that their entire life... stretch and then stretch more... even the buds!! if you were to keep it growing even a month after its harvest date it will keep shooting those "foxtails' and eventually a few male flowers... cause the plant is simply looking to reproduce itself... it is its nature... to reproduce and itll pretty much do anything it can to do that......

oh with biobizz nutes you have to add 1 ml of bio grow during the entire flowering phase until flush... so i would def. give them some growing nutes along with the flowering ones.. and get yourself some guano.. there is nothing more organic and beautiful to use on marijuana plants than guano.... itll show you the real potential of your plants.. but you need to get down to biz RIGHT away..:)

peace out and gooooooood growin


Well-Known Member
man, for real... dont worry:)
Pull the lamps a little bit further away... and it'll be fine...
the other plants that you said arent growing long funny bits, are going to eventually...
Its not a bad sign... sativas almost always do that... the thickness of that new growth will depend on climate and nuts... even top notch growers sometimes dont get it as thick as the lower parts of the buds...

Sativas will pretty much do that their entire life... stretch and then stretch more... even the buds!! if you were to keep it growing even a month after its harvest date it will keep shooting those "foxtails' and eventually a few male flowers... cause the plant is simply looking to reproduce itself... it is its nature... to reproduce and itll pretty much do anything it can to do that......

oh with biobizz nutes you have to add 1 ml of bio grow during the entire flowering phase until flush... so i would def. give them some growing nutes along with the flowering ones.. and get yourself some guano.. there is nothing more organic and beautiful to use on marijuana plants than guano.... itll show you the real potential of your plants.. but you need to get down to biz RIGHT away..:)

peace out and gooooooood growin

wicked tips mate nice one!!! i've actually got some organic pure guano powder, and also the plagron bat guano mix, which doesnt smell as pure as the other one (maybe they mix it with some soil??)

The only reason i haven't used them at all is because im not a soil expert... i wasnt sure if i should mix it with soil when repotting a plant (right before flowering) or simply add it to the soil now when they are in week 12-15 of flowering...?

also, if i give it the bat guano, i've read people saying not to feed anything else for 6 weeks. is that true? or can i continue feeding biobizz grow and flower with the bat guano?

how many times and how much would you feed the plants guano?


Well-Known Member
hey man,
Continue with your regular nutes, just dont use them to full power.... 1ml bio grow and 2 ml blooom should be enough...
the best thing you can do with the guano is tea... take 100 grams of the guano mix it with 2 liters of boiling water and put it in a bottle.... make sure to shake that bottle every once in while.. and use 6 ml of the tea... for 1 liter of water mixed with your nutes...
oh yeah, plagron makes great products like alga grow and bloom or greensensation, but all their non liquid stuff isnt all that... like their maerl or their bio mix.... i would def. go for the other more pure guano you have... make sure it is not a high Nitrogen guano cause that would be for growth but rather a high P ... phosphorus guano:)

i usually start the guano at week 3.5 all the way to week 7 then flush for 14 days:-)



Well-Known Member
hey man,
Continue with your regular nutes, just dont use them to full power.... 1ml bio grow and 2 ml blooom should be enough...
the best thing you can do with the guano is tea... take 100 grams of the guano mix it with 2 liters of boiling water and put it in a bottle.... make sure to shake that bottle every once in while.. and use 6 ml of the tea... for 1 liter of water mixed with your nutes...
oh yeah, plagron makes great products like alga grow and bloom or greensensation, but all their non liquid stuff isnt all that... like their maerl or their bio mix.... i would def. go for the other more pure guano you have... make sure it is not a high Nitrogen guano cause that would be for growth but rather a high P ... phosphorus guano:)

i usually start the guano at week 3.5 all the way to week 7 then flush for 14 days:-)


thanks again man. but bollocks! because i think i have the wrong guano. the plagron one is definitely not the right one because it has:

6% N
15% P2O5
3% K2O

and i just read on this site:

that its not actually 15% phosphorus but more like 6%... i guess its better for veg stage, and ill use it for that...

If i havent been feeding my plants grow food for at least a month, should i just start feeding it the grow slowly? as in, start with 0.2 and slowly bring it up every couple of days to 1ml?

with the instructions you gave me of 2ml bloom and 1ml grow, would you feed that every day?



Well-Known Member
Man, my guano has an NPK of 2 -15-2.5 aslong as the P is higher than the N and K your good to go ..... Use the plagron one if you have too... either way giving any guano wont hurt!! Especially if your giving it very dilute like in the tea...
Dont worry about giving the full 1 ml of biogrow/liter of water.... I wouldnt take the time at this point to slowly bring it up... your already well into flowering and your plant is gonna use up alot of what you give it...
Go with 1ml grow, 2/3 ml biobloom... and 6ml guano tea... Youll see a major difference...
And if you do it like that, make sure to water every other day... only 500ml of the water for a plant in 7 liters... so if your plant is in 11 liter pots give it double... that would be 1liter... :)

This recipe has worked wonders for me in the past.. i dont use biobloom anymore tho...
Goooood Groooowing man..
take it easy:)


Well-Known Member
Man, my guano has an NPK of 2 -15-2.5 aslong as the P is higher than the N and K your good to go ..... Use the plagron one if you have too... either way giving any guano wont hurt!! Especially if your giving it very dilute like in the tea...
Dont worry about giving the full 1 ml of biogrow/liter of water.... I wouldnt take the time at this point to slowly bring it up... your already well into flowering and your plant is gonna use up alot of what you give it...
Go with 1ml grow, 2/3 ml biobloom... and 6ml guano tea... Youll see a major difference...
And if you do it like that, make sure to water every other day... only 500ml of the water for a plant in 7 liters... so if your plant is in 11 liter pots give it double... that would be 1liter... :)

This recipe has worked wonders for me in the past.. i dont use biobloom anymore tho...
Goooood Groooowing man..
take it easy:)

Ok man ill give it a go. im still not sure about the guano because its not an NPK guano. its N-P2O5-K2O which means the phosphorous is diluted, which means theres much much more nitrogen in there than the other two elements... Im certain its a grow guano not a bloom one... but ill dilute it in tea and see for results anyways..

thanks man


Well-Known Member
Ah! sorry when i wrote the last post i was pretty high, and didnt bother to read the link you posted... I just did now tho:)
You are probably right about the N-P205 thing..., But try it out anyway:)
if your giving it too much N the plant will just turn a darker green, so keep your eye out for that... and You should be fine... Guano is awsome... But if you can get your hands on some Guano kalong... or Budswell guano... Youll be set for sure!!!
peace out man...


Well-Known Member
I have Violater Kush in 12/12 and the last 3 fox tailed then I pulled one (65 days) and it was not dense then I waited and pulled another and again after a few days still have one left. The fox tails are gone and the buds are super fat and dense, it's about time and patients that fills them out. I have never heard about raising the lights to stop this. New to me but I am going to look into it, knowledge is great.


Well-Known Member
Ah! sorry when i wrote the last post i was pretty high, and didnt bother to read the link you posted... I just did now tho:)
You are probably right about the N-P205 thing..., But try it out anyway:)
if your giving it too much N the plant will just turn a darker green, so keep your eye out for that... and You should be fine... Guano is awsome... But if you can get your hands on some Guano kalong... or Budswell guano... Youll be set for sure!!!
peace out man...

no worries. ill give the plagron a try. i've made the tea, but its a bit earthy, got loads of bits in it that wont dissolve, would you suggest to put it through a sieve first to filter it out so its just liquid?


Well-Known Member
I would never touch a bud :neutral: but before they go 12/12 I would top the tops back 2/3 nodes.

well these fukers have been growing for over 15 weeks so im just gonna ride it out and see how long it takes to get some fat solid buds out of it. they all look and smell great but just aren't forming that beautiful finished look yet... it will come :lol:


Well-Known Member
my sativa dominant plant is doing the exact same thing... buds started forming extremely slowly then got extremely fat and dense... now the tips of every bud is growing very very skinny and leafy ... it seems to start doing this after i flushed to try and fix a couple of issues i was having... the plant is now right at about 15 weeks and i've only seen 1 amber trich and the rest are clear/cloudy.... i really want the tips to fatten up and stop being so tall and skinny like the lower parts of the buds....