Weird clone with picture


Well-Known Member
All of my clones turned out great except this odd growing one. All from the same mother plant. Any ideas why it looks like this? It was from a lower branch, maybe not enough genetics?
They all have the same genetics. Likely the pot was contaminated. Or something fell in during transplant. It would be a good idea to flush it. Run 5x the pot size in water through it or under a tap for 10 min ( that is a small pot so maybe 5) and it should heal up.

There is no reason a clone from the same mother in the same soil mix would be drastically different. There are many ways it could have been contaminated including the cutting itself. But more likely is the pot had some residual stuff in it. Or it is in a dirty drip pan... something like that most likely.

That said it doesn’t look to be the same genetics of the plants around it. Could it be mixed up somehow from different mother?


Well-Known Member
Same plant, same genetics....but sometimes one just doesn't follow suit with the other siblings. If you look at your newest growth on that plant, it looks to be trying to grow through whatever the issue is/was. I wouldn't flush it...steady goes the course. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Same plant, same genetics....but sometimes one just doesn't follow suit with the other siblings. If you look at your newest growth on that plant, it looks to be trying to grow through whatever the issue is/was. I wouldn't flush it...steady goes the course. Good luck.
They all have the same genetics. Likely the pot was contaminated. Or something fell in during transplant. It would be a good idea to flush it. Run 5x the pot size in water through it or under a tap for 10 min ( that is a small pot so maybe 5) and it should heal up.

There is no reason a clone from the same mother in the same soil mix would be drastically different. There are many ways it could have been contaminated including the cutting itself. But more likely is the pot had some residual stuff in it. Or it is in a dirty drip pan... something like that most likely.

That said it doesn’t look to be the same genetics of the plants around it. Could it be mixed up somehow from different mother?
This plant did have spider mites and was sprayed heavily when it was younger. Could that be the problem?
Yes... also over spray can mess up soil pH. If it drips into the soil it can really mess up the soil. I seen this on a mass scale on a large farm where 500 plants were messed up sitting right next to another 500 for exactly this reason.

Flushing never hurts and is the solution for that problem.